Mike Kazantsev wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 10:26:43 +0200
> Justin <jus...@j-schmitz.net> wrote:
>> It works here, perhaps try to sync again. The metadacache will be synced
>> with the ebuilds.
> Erm, I think whole point of "metadata-transfer" is to get the raw
> metadata and not to use pre-generated cache, am I wrong here?
> Furthermore, I don't sync the machine (actually several machines) in
> question via rsync, but use "emerge --sync" ability to pull PORTDIR
> from a git repository, which doesn't contain any caches, since machines
> that pull from there can have different overlays plugged in.
> And so original post starts from here - I want to generate the cache,
> not just transfer the one from vanilla portage.
Then you are right with egencache --repo=gentoo --update.
If there is still a problem, take a look into the ebuilds and the cache
if the dependencies are named correctly.

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