On 10/14/2009 07:00 AM, DPX-Infinity wrote:
> Hi.
> I have some strange problem with X fonts (not freetype). I installed
> xmonad, dzen2 and dmenu and configured the last two to use font
> -xos4-terminus-medium...

If that font is part of the terminus-font package, there are quite a
few USE flags that may be important for you:

#equery u terminus-font
[ Searching for packages matching terminus-font... ]
[ Colour Code : set unset ]
[ Legend : Left column  (U) - USE flags from make.conf              ]
[        : Right column (I) - USE flags packages was installed with ]
[ Found these USE variables for media-fonts/terminus-font-4.28 ]
 U I
 + + X             : Adds support for X11
 - - a-like-o      : Changes view of letter 'a' - a looks like o (see homepage)
 - - bolddiag      : Boldified diagonal parts of '4', 'k', 'x' and some other 
 - + pcf           : Intall Portable Compiled Font (PCF) (required for X11)
 - + psf           : Install PC Screen Font (PSF) with unicode data (for linux 
 - - quote         : Changes view of quotes: symmetric ` and ' instead of 
asymmetric one (see homepage)
 - - raw-font-data : Install RAW font data which should be compatible with most 
UNIX systems (you don't need this on linux)
 - - ru-dv         : Changes view of Russian letters 'de' and 've' (see 
 - + ru-g          : Changes view of Russian letter 'ge' (see homepage)
 - - ru-i          : Changes view of Russian letter 'i' - not like Latin u, but 
like "mirrored" N (see homepage)
 - - ru-k          : Changes view of Russian letter 'k' (see homepage)
 - - width         : Wider versions of some font elements

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