On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 20:14 -0400, waltd...@waltdnes.org wrote:
>   I've enabled suspend-to-disk in the kernel.  When I issue the
> command
> "echo disk > /sys/power/state", it suspends but *IMMEDIATELY* reboots
> and comes back up again.  The session restores properly from the swap
> drive, so at least that part works.  What can I do to keep it sleeping
> until I power up again? 

Ok I'm going to address this issue.  You specified multiple issues in
your email.  I think it's better to split each issue into its own
posting.  It's simpler easier to work with one problem at a time and
also replies to postings on different issues don't get all garbled
up/confusing in archive searches.

Ok the echo trick isn't the recommended way to suspend to disk.  A
better way is to use "pm-hibernate --quirks" (pm-hibernate is from the
pm-utils packages).  The --quirks option will try to handle any, well,
quirks that are known with your hardware.  echo'ing to /sys/power/state
is a little more low-level and could be iffy on some types of hardware.

You should also check dmesg.  More than likely there is a kernel error
that explains why it failed to suspend completely.

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