Sebastian Beßler wrote:
> Am 27.10.2009 01:27, schrieb Dale:
>> I'm just grateful for the geek that put the SysRq key sequence in the
>> kernel.  At least you can get back to a working console and fix the
>> stupid thing.
> I use ati-drivers here and killing xorg with SysRq only gets me a blank
> black screen and a system so deep frozen that even SysRq can't help
> anymore.
> So that makes my hate for hal only deeper and colder…
> Greetings
> Sebastian

This is the sequence you tried I hope.  This is copied from a message
sent to me a loong time ago.

Hold down Atl, hold down SysRq, press each of the keys in turn. The usual
full sequence is R-E-I-S-U-B


I usually wait a few seconds between each one and only get to press
about 2 or 3 when my console shows up.  I am using a Nvidia card tho so
it may be something different about ATI.  Also, someone said a while
back that you have to have that option built into the kernel.  Have you
checked to make sure you have it build in?  I think the default is that
it is there but never hurts to make certain.


:-)  :-) 

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