On 2009-11-04, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:

>> Just checking - but you didn't mention: did you copy the
>> .config to the new kernel src directory?  If not, that would
>> certainly explain the disparity in configuration settings
>> you're seeing.  
> I think you can say make `oldconfig' and the `old config' is
> supposed to be incorporated

No, it isn't.

> so no I didn't

That's the problem.

> If I had put .config into the new sources, then plain make
> menuconfig is what I would have used.

No, that's when you use make oldconfig: when you've placed a
.config file from an old kernel into the build directory.
Doing a "make oldconfig" will used the existing .config file as
much as possible and ask you questions about new choices.

> Do you know where the man pages or docs for that stuff is ..
> its not in `man make'

Have you tried looking in the 'Documentation' directory in the
linux source tree?

> I'd like to check some of that.

Good idea.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! ... I'm IMAGINING a
                                  at               sensuous GIRAFFE, CAVORTING
                               visi.com            in the BACK ROOM of a
                                                   KOSHER DELI --

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