On 4 Nov 2009, at 23:28, Valmor de Almeida wrote:
I would appreciate some guidance in getting sound working such that I
can listen to an adobe flash video. I am using firefox (have the adobe
flash plugin installed which plays video but no sound) and a pretty
updated gentoo laptop.

You haven't made it clear - in any of your subsequent posts, either - if sound is working for other applications.

If you get a new email, does your laptop go "bing!"? Can you play an MP3 by double clicking on it or at the command line? What if you run mplayer at the command line on an AVI video?

If you have only previously used your laptop for email, surfing the web or writing code, it's not clear that sound may *ever* have been working on it. IMO you need to get sound working for a basic program that uses audio before worrying about Flash, which seems more problematic.


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