On Sun, 2009-11-15 at 01:06 +0100, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> greets ...
> As mentioned lately in another thread I moved to amd64 unstable last week.
> So far OK ... but:
> I see X11 crashing repeatedly but I don't have a clue what component
> might be the reason.
> Sometimes my gnome-session (2.28) works for hours, sometimes for minutes.
> It crashes when starting a new program like opera, firefox, thunderbird,
> amarok, ... something ....
> I don't have a clear way to reproduce the crash and the logs don't tell
> me anything.
> -->
> I rebuilt xorg-server, xorg-drivers, xf86-input-* .... opera, etc
> I re-emerged @system overnight, ran revdep-rebuild, lalefixer etc (yeah,
> I know, X11 isn't @system ... but just to do the basement right)
> I use nvidia-drivers here, so I also did "eselect opengl ..." again.
> I erased xorg.conf and redid it via nvidia-xconfig ... and changed it to
> use absolute coordinates, as the xorg-server-1.7 seems to have issues
> with "LeftOf" ...
> Additional info:
> I use compiz and xinerama ... two monitors ... might add some problems.
> The two monitors are the reason for still using xorg.conf with
> xorg-server-1.7.x (maybe there's a better solution? I don't know yet).
> bugs.gentoo.org doesn't show anything describing my issues, I hesitate
> to file a bug as long as the symptoms are that vague ...
> Some clues, someone?
> There were NO such crashes before moving to full ~amd64, I ran
> xorg-server-1.6 before (mixing stable and unstable ...).
> Simply going back to xorg-server-1.6 ?
> Thanks a lot, Stefan.
I might have a similar problem, that is definitely related to the second
monitor and power management. If you disconnect your 2nd monitor, do the
crashes still occur? But maybe this isn't related, because I have a
Radeon card... just a lucky guess...


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