On 16.11.2009 10:08, Graham Murray wrote:
> Eray Aslan <eray.as...@caf.com.tr> writes:
>>     - No need to logrotate with time based filenames.  Hence, no need to
>> "kill -HUP" the syslog daemon.  No missed logs.
> But you still need some system (eg tmpwatch) to delete old log files
> otherwise the disk will (eventually) fill with log files. Logrotate
> automatically handles the number of/how long to keep logs.

If you want to be complete, you compress old log files, transfer them to
the central log server and delete them when they are old enough.  These
are done with a few trivial scripts run via cron.

If that seems like too much work for questionable benefit, by all means
use logrotate.


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