On 11/19/2009 3:22 AM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
I suspect you did nothing wrong and that the problem is either a
coincidental hardware failure or something the owner did to the stick
after you returned it. Convincing the owner of that is another matter.
I am pretty sure that this is the case. The fact that the partition table is no longer valid is very interesting, and I would be interested in seeing the first 512 bytes (I believe that is where the partition table resides) of the dd image, if you can make one, just to see if it's corrupt or has been correctly erased. The fact that there is 2 TB left according to gparted leads me to believe that it is corrupt, which would mean that it is probably a hardware failure, and nothing to do with Linux, as someone else said.

Good luck with that student, here's hoping there was nothing important on that drive when it died!


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