On 20/11/09 Mick said:

> Does your router know this?  I'm not being funny, but I had run into a 
> problem 
> sometime in the past where a change in the dhcpcd version caused the router 
> to 
> not read the NIC MAC address correctly.  That created a clash with the IP 
> address lease.

If I configure it statically then it dhcpcd shouldn't run at all. It works
fine when I configure it by hand. 

> OK, have you looked in your logs/dmesg?  I think that the ndiswrapper has to 
> load first and probe your NIC, before /etc/init.d/net.wlan0 launches.  It may 
> pay to keep an eye on the router logs while your machine boots.
> My line above with sleep_scan_wlan0="1" or say "3" seconds delay may help, if 
> this is the problem.

I'll play with it a bit.

> If you have not installed wpa_supplicant you don't need this.  Just make sure 
> #modules=( "wpa_supplicant" ) is commented out.  iwconfig is the default 
> anyway.  ifconfig or iproute2 will work so I don't think that you need to 
> define that either.  Your entries:
> essid_wlan0="digitaltorque"
> config_wlan0=( "" )
> routes_wlan0=( "default via" )
> are correct - so the error is not because of these.
> > Or maybe I should just run an rc.local script.
> You could use the preup scripts in /etc/conf.d/net, if for some reason the 
> ndiswrapper takes for ever to kick into action.

Hmm. I did put ndiswrapper in my /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6, so it
should be loaded at boot, but maybe it takes too long, causing a race
condition at boot.

Michael P. Soulier <msoul...@digitaltorque.ca>
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a
touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
--Albert Einstein

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