On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 20:06 -0800, BRM wrote:

[... way too much background info removed]

BREVITY! We don't want to have to read about what you had on your
sandwich for lunch or the fight you had with your girl to get to the
meat of what you're trying to say ;-).

Since you didn't paste the link to where you found info on the web, I'll
go ahead and paste what I found for those who may want to follow up:


To be brief, it basically mentions that udev-145 and kernel-2.6.25 are
not compatible.  Looks like there is a possible patch (to glibc) but the
BZ doesn't really say if/when the patch will be applied in Gentoo.

Rather than waiting on a fix for nearly-obsolete software, here is my

     1. Boot into a Live CD/stick/whatever.
     2. Chroot into your environment as laid out in the Handbook
     3. Do an emerge --sync
     4. Upgrade *at least* the following:
              * kernel sources (might as well configure/compile it too,
                but don't reboot yet)
              * linux-headers
              * glibc (do this *after* linux headers)
              * udev (do this *after* glibc)

Reboot and pray.


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