On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Skippy <linux...@204eastsouth.com> wrote:
> Greetings, my scripting skills are non-existent, so I come asking for
> help.  :)  I use the following to extract audio from vob files and
> write it as wav files:
> mplayer filename.vob -ao pcm:waveheader:file=filename.wav -vo null
> It would be handy if this could be automated so I could run a bash
> script in a directory full of vob files and end up with a set of wav
> files with the same file name as the original vob.
> If anyone knock out such an animal for me I'd be ever grateful and
> praise your name over and over.

I'm sure there are 20 ways to do it... Something like this might work:

for a in *.vob; do mplayer $a -ao pcm:waveheader:file=$a.wav -vo null; done

You also may want to look at the -dumpaudio and -dumpfile options of
mplayer if you want the original format audio from your DVD instead of
converting it to WAV files...

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