Am Dienstag 15 Dezember 2009 17:23:34 schrieb Nikos Chantziaras:
> I read on various blogs (especially Gentoo-related :P) that "KDE 4.3.4
> works just fine with Qt 4.6".

Well, it does. For me.

> If you were about to upgrade, spare yourselves some headaches.  It does
> not work "just fine."  On first sight, it does seem to work, but if you
> look a bit better, it does not.  Symptoms of using KDE 4.3 with Qt 4.6:
>    * Logging out of KDE takes half a minute.

Maybe, didn't measure the time.

>    * Amarok takes ages to load.


>    * The text on (Oxygen) push buttons is not centered.

It is here.

>    * Fonts and shapes appear somewhat messed up (e.g., the tray clock).

Not here. Tray clock sometimes messed up with TQ 4.5, too.

>    * Global shortcuts (like CTRL+ESC to start "System Activity") stop
>      working after a few hours of uptime.

Works fine here, even after days of uptime.

> There might be more, but I didn't stay around long enough to find out.
> I reverted to Qt 4.5.  Note that I *did* a full rebuild of all packages
> that depend on Qt, including all of KDE of course ("equery depends" is
> your friend).
> Bottom line, KDE 4.3 *does* work with Qt 4.6, but it does *not* work
> "just fine" (there's a big difference between "works" and "works fine").

And there's also a big difference between "works fine for me" and "works fine 
you", it seems ;)



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