On Wednesday 16 December 2009 01:34:33 Dale wrote:
> > A real world scenario would be a bank server doing transactions. Those
> > big irons do never ever get shut down.
> > (But they also don't ever get really updated ;)
> >
> > Did you know, that they still use cobol-code from decades ago. The code
> > has to interact with newer systems, but the existing code is not allowed
> > to be altered, they just run it inside hugh java application servers on
> > their main frames :D
> >
> > Bye,
> > Daniel
> >   
> Well, I wish someone would tell my bank that.  They are down pretty 
> regular "upgrading" something.  I use the term upgrading lightly here.  
> It usually makes things worse but anyway.  They run windoze on their rig 
> so they most likely can't help that.  ;-)

They upgrade the *front*ends*, not the real stuff at the back.

Switching a mainframe off is not a supported activity :-)

Along those lines I could tell you some funny stories about monumental cockups 
banks do to their front ends (my S.O. does banking data warehousing), but I'm 
not actually supposed to know some of that stuff so I won't :-)

> Hearing they use old code is not to surprising actually.  Look at air 
> traffic control.  Every time they try to upgrade, it crashes.  I guess 
> the cheapest bidder is not always the best.  o_O

Every such crash after an upgrade I know of is trying to run the thing on 

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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