On 12/18/2009 6:05 PM, Grant wrote:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda (or what ever)
After reading over all the info here, I think I'm going to go with dd
since the data isn't too sensitive.

I created a "9.1_Live_x64" USB key with unetbootin, but the laptop
won't boot to it.  I have another 512MB USB key that it boots to just
fine.  Could my 8GB key be non-bootable?  The laptop's CD drive isn't
working so I need another way to install an easy copy of Linux after I

  - Grant
I've dealt with many systems that flatly refuse to boot from *some*
usb keys but not from others.. and some even vary based on what's
being booted into on those usb keys.
I used unetbootin to install Damn Small Linux on the 512MB bootable
USB key, and I'm booted into it.  /dev/sda is my HD, and I'm running:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

The USB LED is blinking rapidly, but the HD LED is showing no
activity.  Is there any way to tell if the HD is being wiped?
The hdd IS being wiped, if you have the right device (which you do, don't worry!). However, I would recommend running with if=/dev/urandom as that will overwrite it with random bits instead of just zero. However, since it's already being done with zeros and a hard drive would usually be sold with all bits set to zero, I think what you are doing will be fine.


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