On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 09:01:38AM -0800, Penguin Lover Grant squawked:
> New problem: Booted into DSLinux, my HD does not appear so I can't
> wipe it.  blkid and fdisk -l only show the USB stick assigned to
> /dev/sda which is how I accidentally wiped it in the first place.
> I'll try another distro on the USB stick.

If DSLinux is what I think it is, it may have been (on hindsight)
rather obvious that it may not support the block device your system HD
is on or the filesystem used. The DS, afterall, has fairly predictable

Something like DBAN or SysResCD will have a better chance of
supporting a wider array of hardware. 


The problem is that the LHC has caused the production of strange moron
particles, which seem to bump into normal people and turn them into
more strange morons. The collective outgassing of stupidity causes a
supernova brain implosion.      ~David Gerard (12369) /. cid:25200015
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