Willie Wong wrote:

> Those are ANSI escape codes. My google-fu is not up to telling me how
> to set xconsole to ignore them, but it seems possible that xconsole
> just cannot handle ANSI codes? 

Yes, that's what I was afraid of... However, it seems many people uses
xconsole a bit differently by creating a /dev/xconsole pipe (fifo) and
getting syslog to pipe information to that and letting the program
xconsole to read from that fifo (xconsole -file /dev/xconsole)... I
found this:

> A workaround may be to set RC_NOCOLOR="yes" in /etc/conf.d/rc

That may work, but I upgraded X yesterday and the start order of xdm has
changed (previously it was started right after networking, IIRC); now it
starts right before "local". My main interest in xconsole was to see if
ntp-client was started correctly and since the new order displays ntp
ok/nok on the console before xdm starts, xconsole seems a bit redundant...

Thanks anyway!

Happy new year!

Best regards

Peter K

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