Recently, I have had to reboot in order to recover the function of automatic
mounting of USB Flash drives, after some activity, such as mounting and
umounting.   This is happening on two AMD64 systems.

I am often able to unmount manually (# umount /media/KINGSTON , for
example).   All of my flash drives have labels, and usually they mount on
/media, when plugged in.  However, not always, but often, when I have
unmounted one of them, the name stays visible on Nautilus, and it is
impossible to mount it again by plugging it in.

Another time, I reorganized the partitions on a flash drive, into one
partition.  After this, I was unable to plug it in to mount it.

Uniformly, the expected behavior is recovered after rebooting.

I am using these drives to maintain git repositories of subdirectories, so I
need to be able to access various drives on demand, by pluggint them in.  I
am not sure where to look for help.  The USB guide, etc. didnt seem to
help.  Is there an init script that I can restart to recover the volume
management function?

Thank you for any ideas.

Alan Davis
Avid user of Gentoo, knows enough to get into trouble.

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