Crístian Viana wrote:

I'm using kde-base/kopete-4.3.3 (which is Kopete 0.80.2) and it's not storing anything I do to the next time I run the program. For example, I merge some contacts into meta-contacts, associate some of them to a KAddressBook entry, change my nickname (ok, that may be unrelated), but when I restart Kopete it forgets about everything and I have to do it all over again. My accounts' settings like username and password are persistent, but my contact list changes are not.

Does anyone know what's going on? Would this be a Kopete bug or is something specific to Gentoo?


Crístian Deives dos Santos Viana [aka CD1]

I haven't used Kopete for KDE 4 in a bit but it was having issues for me as well when I did try it. I switched to pidgin which means I lost my chat history. I suspect it is KDE and you will just have to wait for them to get it fixed. As most people know already, KDE4 is anything but fully functional. This is why some are still on KDE3.

I read somewhere that the next big update is in February. It may help to at least know how long you will have to wait. Sort of weigh out some options if you can.

Also, recheck your USE flags to make sure you didn't miss something. They could have changed or something.

:-) :-)

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