On Saturday 09 January 2010 11:48:35 Peter Humphrey wrote:

> Does anyone here know of a tool that can rebuild an NTFS directory
> structure? I've tried several tools I found with Google, but the only one
> that had any success has extracted hundreds of small text files and lots of
> mp3 and other files, but with arbitrary names and no indication of how it
>  all hangs together. It doesn't look very useful to me.

I have tried ntfsfix.  It resets the ntfs journal and when the drive is booted 
into MSWindows it'll run a chkdsk - make sure you do not interrupt this!

In your friend's case you can force a chkdsk by right-clicking on the drive in 
Windows Explorer/Properties/Tools/Error-checking.

Other than that I think we're into a file recovery mode involving tools like 
photorec and dd_rescue.


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