I might chime in, that I once deleted an important 90 GB partition by
mistake, when a Ubuntu install had shuffled drive assignments.  Ubuntu had
assigned the formerly /dev/hda1 to /dev/sda1, and former /dev/sda1 to

Ubuntu used UUIDs.  That is an approach that works, once I learned how to
use it, although Ubuntu itself set up grub with a different partition
assigned as "/", so I had to edit /boot/grub/grub.conf or its equivalent to
even boot the system.  Trouble is, who can read UUIDs?  I soon abandoned
Ubuntu, went back to Gentoo, in great measure because I trusted drive
assignments.  However, it has been pointed out that this is a kernel level
issue, and there's nothing a mere user can do about it.

Again, I was also told, "this is a feature not a bug."  And I totally agree
that anything that makes a system more confusing to set up is NOT a

Labels (I used gparted to define labels) allowed me to assign partitions in
a more friendly way.  As a convenient side effect, when I have some 15
partitions, it makes it easier to remember which is which.

Alan D


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