On 01/19/10 16:12, Alex Schuster wrote:
Joseph writes:

On 01/19/10 06:35, Stroller wrote:
>On 19 Jan 2010, at 04:31, Joseph wrote:
>>I'm running xfce4 on two different machines (amd64) and on both
>>machine "cupsd" does not start at boot.
>>What to do about it?
>>It start manually just fine, and during booting CUPSD shows as "OK"
>>but when I login it is not running.
>Look at the logs - post them here if you need help - there must be a
>reason it's not starting at that stage in the boot process.

That is the problem, messages log is not showing any entry so I have
nothing to go with.

Set LogLevel to debug in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, and check
/var/log/cups/error_log after booting. And maybe replacing --quiet by
--verbose in /etc/init.d/cupsd will give some more information.


I think I've got something, there is part of the log that I did not post I 
thought it might be irrelevant, last section:

When I open a firefox with one of the tab pointing to:
localhost:631 (cups)
the cups is being shut down by: "cupsdAcceptClient: 11"

D [19/Jan/2010:09:39:59 -0700] cupsdAcceptClient: 11 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
D [19/Jan/2010:09:39:59 -0700] cupsdReadClient: 11 GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
D [19/Jan/2010:09:39:59 -0700] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [19/Jan/2010:09:39:59 -0700] cupsdCloseClient: 11
D [19/Jan/2010:09:39:59 -0700] cupsdCloseClient: -607871304

Who is "cupsdAcceptClient: 11"???

If the firebox tab is not pointing cup interface: localhost:631
cups starts and runs just fine.

Can any of you try it: open a tab "localhost:631" (don't close the firefox) and 
restart your computer.
Is the cups still running after restarting?


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