On Tuesday 19 January 2010 22:12:09 Jim Cunning wrote:
> I have noticed for a long time, and continuing with KDE 4.4, that
> kmail/kontact shows a bunch of small popup window boxes, each containing a
> single letter, whenever it's displaying a message and the control key is
> pressed and released.  Another depression/release of the control key
>  removes the boxes.
> I first noticed this with KDE 3.4 on OpenSUSE 10.3, and it has continued on
> gentoo with KDE 3.5 and now 4.4. An example of what I'm describing can be
>  seen at http://cunning.ods.org/kmail-boxes.jpg
> I couldn't get any useful hits on Google with the keywords I came up with.
> Has anyone seen this and/or know how to eliminate it?

Those are quick-link thingys that highlight clickable text in the mail. IIRC 
the intent is so you can type Ctrl-D and the browser will take you to the link 
labelled D

I used to have it, then I did something in System Settings or kmail's config 
and it went away. Go through both looking for options that mention "Ctrl". I 
forget what it was, but do remember it was distinctly not obvious at the time.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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