On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 04:15:42PM -0800, James Ausmus wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Michael George <geo...@mutualdata.com>wrote:
> > I just got a Sansa Clip+ and when I plug it into my gentoo box, it sees
> > the device as mass-storage, creates /dev/sdc, and I can mount it as vfat
> > and put songs on it.  That's all fine.
> >
> > However, I put an expansion micro-SD card into it.  The player sees it
> > fine.  When I plug the player into my Mac, it puts two devices on the
> > desktop.  When I plug it into my Linux box, /var/log/messages only lists
> > /dev/sdc (not /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd as I expected) being created.
> >
> > I can plug another USB device in and /dev/sdd is created, so there's
> > nothing keeping the system from creating /dev/sdd.  I have it's USB
> > mode set to MSC.
> >
> > What else could be keeping it from seeing the expansion card?
> >
> Probably kernel config - check to make sure you enabled "Probe all LUNs on
> each SCSI device" - under Device Drivers->SCSI device support

Ah, I checked and I didn't have that option set.  I'll change it,
rebuild, and reboot.

Thanks to all who answered!


There are 10 kinds of people in this world:
        Those who can count in binary and those who cannot.

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