On Monday 08 February 2010 01:27:33 Mark Knecht wrote:

> sorry to have forgotten is but simply do
> df
> and see what it says is mounted

$ df
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs                 60G   25G   32G  44% /
/dev/root              60G   25G   32G  44% /
rc-svcdir             1.0M  108K  916K  11% /lib64/rc/init.d
udev                   10M  144K  9.9M   2% /dev
shm                   2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda6              40G  6.4G   32G  17% /home
/dev/sda7              61G   23G   36G  39% /home/prh/common
tmpfs                 9.0G  1.8M  9.0G   1% /tmp

Now, ever since I upgraded to openrc (by setting ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~amd64 
when I installed this system) my root partition has not been shown as a 
physical partition. I decided to let it go for the time being.


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