On 10 Feb, Dale wrote:
> chrome://messenger/locale/messengercompose/composeMsgs.properties:
>> Hi,
>> has anybody a recipe on this upgrade hell each time KDE release a new
>> version?
>> This time existing KDE-4.3.5 packages block KDE-4.4 packages though they
>> go to different slots.
>> Even portage-2.2_rc62 is unable to cope with that.
>> Thanks for a hint,
>> Helmut.
> Well, I'm not really sure.  I synced a bit ago, ran autounmask and it is 
> just starting to download and emerge.  So far, it shows the blocks but 
> portage didn't stop the process.  It has started at least.
> I'm using the same version of portage you are using.  You sure it is not 
> something that is not unmasked or something of that nature?  I'd be glad 
> to share my unmask and keyword files if you need them.  Off list of 
> course, unless the list wouldn't mind me putting them on here to share.  ^-^
> Dale
> :-)  :-)
> P. S.  Total: 275 packages (14 upgrades, 27 new, 234 in new slots, 245 
> uninstalls), Size of downloads: 726,272 kB
> Conflict: 499 blocks
> Sure am glad I got DSL now.  lol  That would take me a week on dial-up.

Thanks Dale,
but what should I use autounmask for? 
No version of kde is masked here.


Helmut Jarausch

Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
RWTH - Aachen University
D 52056 Aachen, Germany

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