On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 00:31:26 +0100, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Friday 12 February 2010 01:10:58 Zeerak Waseem wrote:
But honestly, I don't have a solution to the problem, what I can however
say is that my browser and my mail app, are pretty deft at realizing that
their attempts to access a server, are in vain, without any network
manager to tell them that they're offline. If there is any inter-app
communication going on, it's not anything I know enough about to give a
qualified guess about.

So do this then:

Build a desktop from old ebuilds and tarballs from a time when dbus was not prevalent. Make sure that the result is somewhat comparable to what you like
to have now. Note the code sizes and other metrics of complexity. Note
resource usage.

Then examine the code for all the major apps you have, find the IPC-type
functionality they have and remove it. Rebuild everything. Note the code sizes
and other metrics of complexity. Note resource usage.

Compare these two sets of numbers. Then run your new IPC-less machine. Let us
know how that works out for you.

At the very least you will gain an understanding of just how much IPC is going
on even in minimal environments.

Well, I'll have to tell you, that I might just do that one of these days, because like you say. If nothing else I'll gain an understanding of it. As you suggested in the last mail, I don't think I've considered all the different uses of IPC. :-)


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