Kyle Bader writes:

> > I opted to reinstall from source that machine, which wasn't exactly a
> > bad choice anyway.  But as always, rtfm is good advice!  Thanks (not
> > sarcastic, except to mock myself).
> Another option other than rsync or dd is to use tar:

Yeah, that's what I usually do.n The fastest method probably is star, 
but the syntax is a little different.

> tar cf - $old_dir | ( cd $new_dir: tar xf - )
> tar cf - $old_dir | ssh $other_host "( cd $new_dir: tar xf - )"
The ':' separating commands should be a ';'. Using the -C option would be 
a little easier, but your method also would work for star. This piping 
through ssh is quite cool, isn't it.

If $old_dir is the root partition, I would bin-mount it first to somewhere 
else, so other directories mounted to it (especially/dev, /proc and /sys) 
are not copied:
mount -o bind / /mnt


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