I upgraded to mythtv-0.22_p23069.  Went through the whole song-and-dance
of repairing the database for the utf8 to latin1 thing, and now it's
finally back up.  Except for one tiny problem.  My G.A.N.T. theme is
gone.  I can't even select it as a theme.  Is there some way to get it
back?  I liked the plain gray background, the fact that I could tell at
a glance what was recording and what I had manually set not to record.
And the fact that a generic episode was easily distinguished from a
specific episode (I usually manually set generic episodes not to record,
but now I have to take extra time to find each episode and check that
it's not generic.  :(  I'm also not happy that they changed the order of
-Michael Sullivan-

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