On 3/5/2010 2:20 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Friday 05 March 2010 21:09:33 Tanstaafl wrote:
>> I had already installed gcc-4.3.4 a while back, but still haven't 
>> switched to it, so currently everything is compiled with 4.1.2.

> Then switch to 4.3.4

Very helpful - not. I don't know if it is safe having userspace lvm2
tools compiled with a newer/different version of gcc than the kernel
(which has lvm2 compiled in). Maybe someone here knows - and maybe
that's why I asked.

>> So, what should I do first? Will the new version of lvm2 work ok
>> with the older kernel?

> Dunno, what does the ebuild say?

I'm a user, not a programmer. I looked in an ebuild once - it was
interesting, but didn't tell me a whole lot. I also have been bitten
more than once by major changes to a package that came in a minor
version bump that wasn't documented in the ebuild or anywhere else, so
I've learned to be careful, especially where critical system updates are
concerned (like lvm2, gcc and the kernel).

My question was directed toward people who use lvm2 and (hopefully) know
the answer... googling didn't reveal an answer (or at least I didn't
find the proper incantation)...

So, again, does anyone know if the new version of lvm2 (with integrated
device-mapper) will work ok on the 2.6.23 kernel, or is there a minimum
version required?

>> If so I could switch to gcc-4.3.4, fix/update lvm2, then rebuild
>> world, then update the kernel later once the boss is ok with it?

> Just update the kernel and be done with it. This is the thing to do 
> first and you already know that. So just do it.

Ever heard of a PHB?

I don't upgrade the kernel very often, nor have to fix blockers
manually, so I'd rather ask a few questions (admitting I don't know
everything - or even much of anything - in the process - try it Alan,
it's actually quite liberating), and not dig myself into a hole I may
not be able to dig myself out of easily.

>> Also - when you switch compilers, do you need to reboot right away 
>> (after rebuilding world (and thus the kernel)?

> What does rebooting have to do with the compiler? The compiler only
> builds code then stops. Rebooting does nothing to it.

What does your question have to do with mine? Look, I appreciate any
help I can get here, but try reading the question you're responding to
if you're going to take the time to respond (you missed the stuff in

On 3/5/2010 3:40 PM, Sebastian Beßler wrote:
> As far as I read the post from Tanstaafl the question is not if he
> has to restart after the switch to the new compiler but if he has to 
> restart after the rebuild of world with the new compiler, because he
> also rebuilds the kernel.

Exactly - thank you Sebastian...

> My experience is that you don't need to restart right away after a
> kernel rebuild as long as you don't want to (re)load modules because
> that would not do 'cause kernel and modules must both be build with
> the same compiler to work.

Interesting - I don't use modules on a server, I only build with with
what I need compiled in... so no modules/module support at all, but
that's good to know if I ever decide to use Gentoo on the desktop - thanks.

> But to be sure it is possible to postpone the kernel rebuild to be
> near of a time where a restart can be done.

Yes, that I was planning on doing when I got approval to upgrade the
kernel, but I figured I'd include the kernel version out of concern for
the newer version of lvm2...

I was already leaning toward the kernel upgrade first as being the
safest solution (then fix lvm2, then switch compilers, update everything
else, then rebuild world), but I have to justify it to the boss, which
is why I asked in the first place...


Best regards,


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