Damian wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 12:01 AM, dhk <dhk...@optonline.net> wrote:
>> Is it possible to embed a terminal window in a gtk window?
>> I want to be able to run a text program as usual, but have it wrapped in
>> the GTK window so I can scroll output and other stuff to a textview.
> I would look into vte. This may be relevant for you:
>     http://old.nabble.com/Embedding-the-VTE-Virtual-Terminal-td26529933.html
>> Thanks,
>> dhk

I'm not looking to make major changes to the existing terminal run
program.  You see, I'm dealing with the corporate mentality.  They want
to add features that are just not that feasible in a procedural
language.  I also have to deal with their thousands of users that use
the program around the country and their distribution and install
procedures.  So changing the terminal the program runs in is not an
option, that would mean getting security and sysadmins involved etc.  So
in short a lot will not fly.  Management doesn't understand why a
procedural application can't have a button or scrolling text, because
they see those bells and whistles on websites they think they can have
it everywhere.  I really don't want to go off on a corporate management

I would like to make some hybrid GUI/text application.  The original
text application runs in a terminal.  I can edit the text program so I
can change the main().  So far I've added GTK and can compile and link
with GTK.  When the text program starts I can open a GTK window which
has a vbox in it.  In one of the sections to the vbox I would like to
know how I can embed the terminal that runs the text program.  The other
parts of the vbox will have a scroll window and buttons.

I thought it may be possible using GTK plugs and sockets or forcing the
coordinated of the terminal to be inside the window, but both have
obstacles.  Is there a way to give management their buttons and
scrolling text?

Is this do-able?



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