100311 Alex Schuster wrote:
> Philip Webb writes:
>> Konsole has lost its 'fixed GNU' font, which now calls up something nasty
>> (yes, I know there's an entry in the list, but it's a different font).
>> I've switched to Xterm for Mutt & may junk Konsole for user terminal too.
> I noticed this when I started KDE 4.4 for the first time.
> It looked quite different & a bit ugly, but somehow I got used to it.

Further experience showed that Xterm's standard font doesn't do Unicode
& mouse-scroll doesn't work in Most etc, so I've gone back to Konsole
& settled on a tolerable font in 'fixed misc' at size 13 .

> I don't use gwenview much.  When I used it browsing many photos
> and rotating lots of them, it always crashed after a while, 
> after it hogged very much of my memory.
> Just retried that, problem's gone.  Hooray!

Yes, Gwenview has been quite useable for some time now
& the KDE 4 version is a bit of an improvement generally.
Useable alternatives are Thunar (icon view) & Feh (thumbnail view)
to browse around & Feh (image view) to look at the actual pictures.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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