On 3/15/10, Xi Shen <davidshe...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> i have enabled 'jpeg' flag in my /etc/make.conf, but i still cannot
> compile wine with jpeg support, and i really need this feature.
> the output of emerge -pv wine shows '(-jpeg)'. i think it is masked by
> profile. i then created '/etc/portage/profile/package.use.force', and
> putted 'app-emulation/wine jpeg' in it, but i still cannot compile
> wine with jpeg support.

Create /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask and type in
'app-emulation/wine -jpeg' (note the minus) to locally unmask the jpeg
flag for wine.

I don't know how good idea that is, though, as
/usr/portage/profiles/arch/amd64/package.use.mask has the following
for wine (maybe you'd better check the relevant bugs noted for jpeg

# Samuli Suominen <ssuomi...@gentoo.org> (02 Feb 2009)
# esd, bug 301824
# mp3, bug 283860, 299490
# jpeg, bug 283089, 303255, 299149
# capi, 292938
# ghoto2, 286563
# scanner, 299505
# hal, 299149
app-emulation/wine capi esd gphoto2 hal jpeg mp3 scanner

Arttu V.

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