On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 7:12 AM, KH <gentoo-u...@konstantinhansen.de> wrote:
> Am 20.03.2010 19:26, schrieb Mark Knecht:
> [...]
>> So the chassis and drives for this 1st machine are on order. 6 1TB
>> green drives. []
>> - Mark
> Hi Mark,
> What do you mean by "green drives"? I had been told - but never searched for
> confirmation - that those energy saving drives change spinning and also do
> spin down. The problem would be that the drives than might drop out of the
> raid since they are not reachable fast.
> Don't know if that is true. I bought me some black label drives for the
> longer warranty.

If it is a WD drive, google "TLER" for info about possible problems in RAID use.

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