Doesn't help right now but it sounds like an expander cable might be loose.

On 3/26/10, Stefan G. Weichinger <> wrote:
> Does anyone know this?
> I run 2.6.27-gentoo-r8 on a server, amd64 ..
> It has 8 hotswap-bays for hdds and lspci says it uses a --->
> Intel Corporation 631xESB/632xESB SATA AHCI Controller
> So far I used the ahci-kernel-module, it worked.
> Until now we used only 4 hdds in that box, today I added 4 more.
> But I only see six drives ... /dev/sd[a-f] ... no /dev/sd[gh]
> hmmm
> I don't know if all the bays are wired correctly, I would have to take
> the server offline for a longer period to check that. But I think one
> could expect those hotswap-bays wired ready to use.
> My thought is, maybe the ahci-module is/was somehow limited with this
> kernel? Maybe I should use another module?
> This server is remote, so I have to be careful right now.
> Thanks for any hints, Stefan

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