Britain talks down geoengineering as a solution to climate change

Research into drastic solutions to climate change such as cloud seeding, sun 
shades in space and ocean fertilisation risks hampering global climate 
negotiations by giving some countries an excuse for not agreeing to short-term 
emissions reductions, a UK government minister warned today.

The remarks by Joan Ruddock, a minister in the Department of Energy and Climate 
Change, appear to be a thinly veiled dig at the Bush administration, whose 
delegation attempted to insert a section into last year’s Intergovernmental 
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on developing technology to block 
sunlight and cool the planet. The proposed text referred to it as an “important 
insurance” against the impacts of climate change.

Speaking to MPs on the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills 
select committee, Ruddock was defending the government’s unwillingness to fund 
research into so-called geoengineering – large-scale, untested interventions 
that either soak up carbon dioxide or prevent sunlight warming the planet 

“The concern is that people who don’t want to enter into agreements that mean 
they have to reduce their emissions might see this as a means of doing nothing, 
of being able to say, ’science will provide, there will be a way out’,” she 
said, “it could be used politically in that way which would be extremely 

She added that funding research on such projects would deflect engineers away 
from more pressing solutions to climate change such as carbon capture and 
storage – extracting carbon dioxide from the emissions put out by fossil fuel 
power stations and injecting it underground.

The science minister Lord Drayson added that many of the proposals – such as 
launching huge mirrors into space, adding particles into the atmosphere to 
deflect light or seeding”>algal
 blooms in the ocean using iron fertiliser – were extremely costly and had 
risks that were poorly understood. “Some of the projects that are being 
postulated under geoengineering do strike one as being in the realm of science 
fiction,” he said. 

But Steve Rayner, professor of science and civilisation at the Said Business 
School in Oxford, pointed out that not all options were expensive. Some such as 
iron fertilisation would be within reach of wealthy individuals - he called 
them, “a ‘Greenfinger’ rather than ‘Goldfinger’.”

Currently, the research councils – which decide how public science funding is 
spent – do not fund any projects into geoengineering directly, although the 
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council has allocated £3m for an 
“ideas factory” into potential projects next year. 

According to Dr Phil Williamson at the University of East Anglia, who wrote the 
Natural Environment Research Council’s submission to the select committee 
hearing, around £50m of the government’s research spend is peripherally related 
to geo-engineering.

The select committee’s chair, the liberal democrat MP Phil Willis, said he was 
disappointed with the government’s position of adopting only a “watching brief” 
over the emerging field. “That seems to me a very very negative way of actually 
facing up to the challenge of the future,” he said. “It’s a very pessimistic 
view of emerging science and Britain’s place within that emerging science 

He said government should support many different avenues to tackling climate 
change. “There have to be plethora of solutions. Some of which we do not know 
whether they will work, but that is the whole purpose of science.”

But the chief scientific advisor to the Department for the Environment, Food 
and Rural Affairs, Prof Bob Watson, said that funding should be focussed on the 
most immediate solutions. “I think the question is whether [geoengineering] is 
the highest priority at the moment given scarce resources. 

“First [priority] is actually putting investment into current technologies and 
pre-commercial technologies such as carbon capture and storage,” he said, 
“Clearly I think this is something which has to be move quickly. I would call 
it an Apollo-type programme… we need to go in parallel and try multiple 
approaches simultaneously.” He advocated that the EU, US and Japan work 
together on research into CCS.

Some scientists and engineers will also be disappointed with the government’s 
dismissal of the field. In the introduction to a collection of scientific 
papers published by the Royal Society in September on the topic Prof Brian 
Launder of the University of Manchester and Prof Michael Thompson of the 
University of Cambridge wrote: “While such geoscale interventions may be risky, 
the time may well come when they are accepted as less risky than doing nothing… 
There is increasingly the sense that governments are failing to come to grips 
with the urgency of setting in place measures that will assuredly lead to our 
planet reaching a safe equilibrium.” © Guardian News & Media Limited 2008 | Use of this content is 
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