Kevin Whilden brought up this unsettling comparison several weeks ago.  
Substitute burning of fossil fuels for the release of CO2 from the Siberian 
traps by vulcanism and the same outcomes seem possible.
Today's Unsettling Comparison to 'The Great Dying' 
250 Million Years Ago, Rising Greenhouse Gas Levels Set Off Catastrophic 
Nov. 22, 2008 — 

In 1980, scientists Luis Alvarez and his son, Walter, proposed a new 
explanation for the dinosaurs' disappearance 65 million years ago: a meteor 
strike. Initially, the idea was met with resistance. But the evidence was 
convincing: a sediment layer high in iridium, an element common in asteroids, 
was found the world over, along with a 110-mile-wide impact crater in the 
Yucatán of the same age. What started as a fringe idea has gone mainstream. 

Now scientists are rethinking another of earth's great die-offs. The 
end-Permian extinction 251 million years ago was the worst of earth's five mass 
extinctions. Ninety percent of all marine life and 70 percent of terrestrial 
life disappeared. It took five million years, perhaps more, for the biosphere 
to recover. 

But while the die-off was uniquely devastating, evidence of a single 
cataclysmic event, like an asteroid strike, hasn't been found in the geological 
record. Scientists now suspect that "the mother of all mass extinctions" was of 
Earth's own making. And the more they learn about it, the more parallels they 
see to today's world: A bout of greenhouse-gas-induced global warming, much 
like today's, set off a chain of events that culminated in oxygen-depleted 
oceans exhaling poison gas. 

And as in today's human-dominated earthscape, life was already stressed. 

"Something came along and kicked it over the edge," says Linda Elkins-Tanton, 
an assistant professor of geology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
in Cambridge, Mass. She heads a recently launched multidisci­plin­ary effort to 
study the extinction. "Should there be a great kick [now], we are in a position 
for a great die-off," she says. 

Two hundred and fifty million years ago, Earth was emerging from a period of 
glaciation. The transition from icehouse to greenhouse was already stressing 
life, scientists think. Then magma began bursting through the crust of what is 
now Siberia. The eruption was tremendous, says Professor Elkins-Tanton. Over 
the course of maybe 1 million years, enough lava flowed to cover the 
continental United States half a mile deep. 

The crust through which it bubbled contained vast coal and limestone deposits 
from an earlier time. As it burned through this fossilized organic material, it 
released huge amounts of carbon. 

Today, by burning fossil fuels, humans are again releasing carbon sequestered 
long ago, and at a similarly rapid rate. 

"There may be some pretty direct parallels between the end-Permian extinction 
and today," says Jonathan Payne, professor of geological and environmental 
sciences at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif. 

The eruption and release of greenhouse gas was just the beginning. The warmer 
atmosphere heated the ocean surface, effectively capping the seas with a warmer 
layer. The result: The overturning of the ocean's water, which keeps deep 
waters oxygenated, likely stopped. Deeper waters became oxygen-depleted. 

Meanwhile, erosion accelerated on land, says Lee Kump, professor of geosciences 
at Penn State University, University Park, dumping more fertilizers, like 
phosphorus, into the seas. High nutrient influx led to plankton blooms. As the 
organic matter decomposed, it sucked up what oxygen remained - the same process 
now observed in the world's dead zones. Widespread ocean anoxia (oxygen 
depletion) suffocated much oxygen-dependent marine life. 

Then came the final blow. In waterways that are anoxic beyond a certain depth, 
like today's Black Sea, oxygen-dependent organisms live near the surface and 
oxygen-avoiding microbes live deeper. Scientists call the boundary between them 
the "chemocline." Organisms below the chemocline "breathe" sulfates, not 
oxygen. Just as oxygen-dependent organisms exhale CO2, these bacteria give off 
hydrogen sulfide, a gas toxic in high concentrations to many life forms, 
including plants and animals. The gas neatly explains one of the mysteries of 
the Permian die-off: how an extinction event that began at sea could have 
decimated life on land. 

Scientists find molecular "signatures" of anaerobic organisms at what was the 
water's surface in end-Permian times. Lack of oxygen let sulfate-breathers rise 
from the ocean deep and spew hydrogen sulfide directly into Earth's atmosphere. 

Hydrogen sulfide would have also eaten holes in the earth's protective ozone 
layer. Plants and animals either suffocated directly - atmospheric oxygen 
levels plummeted to 15 percent (it's about 21 percent today) - or succumbed to 
the combination of long-term stresses. 

And the lessons for today? At the Permian boundary, "you're in a state of 
gradual warming, then as you approach that boundary, the warming in­­creases 
dramatically," says Jeff Kiehl, a senior scientist at the Na­­­tion­­­al Center 
for Atmospheric Re­­search in Boulder, Colo. "It wasn't a linear warming." Says 
Professor Kump: "This shows us what could happen if we push the system too 
hard&. We don't know where the intermediate thresholds are." 

We're still some way from the atmospheric CO2 levels hypothesized at the 
end-Permian extinction - which were perhaps 10 times preindustrial levels, or 
2,800 ppm. Yet, according the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, if 
trends continue we're still approaching 1,000 ppm of CO2 by 2100. That's not 
Permian-extinction levels, but it would be the highest CO2 concentration in 80 
million years, and a level at which both ocean anoxia and lesser extinctions 
have occurred. 

"Do we want to put ourselves on a very risky path of possibly repeating earth's 
history, or do we want to be more cautious?" says Dr. Kiehl. "I would hope as a 
conscious species that we would choose the latter."

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