Many thanks, Alvin to rise points. I have taken bunch of best experts as I do 
think it would be hard to be convincing if acting solitary on behalf of the 
First Nations. As per now we do not know who is right and who is wrong, but we 
are trying to package a novel, testable hypothesis to try give answer to the 
United Nations' General Assembly investigation request.



Please find brief notes and responses to some of the issues raised by Alvin 



"I'm still not sure I understand what you guys are talking about with regard to 
sudden catastrophic disintegration of the Greenland Ice Sheet.  About 5 years 
ago, I raised the same possibility, but have yet to see any analyses that would 
support large slides of ice into the ocean."  


I am funding this if no outside sponsors takes up the matter by installing 
equipment on the weak points in Melville Bay area to see if anything the First 
Nations fear might be materialising. Is there a phenomenon of "ice sheet 
thrust" where a warmed and wet ice sheet starts loose its land connectivity on 
elevated terrain and pushes itself through the coastal barrier to create a new 
outlet channel for the ice sheet come out, similar to the Hudson Straight. I 
have funds in place to charter long haul helicopter flights to transport the 
equipments required to-and-fro to monitor any lateral and vertical movements, 
tilts and stresses forming on the Melville Bay terrain that must precede ice 
sheet land containment failure if such a thing occurred behind Baffin Island 
when the Foxe-Laurentide Ice Dome lost its footing there according to the First 
Nations soon after North Atlantic perennial sea ice was lost and climate warmed 
rapidly (not slowly like the West says). 


We have referred this as the Series 3 experiment to challenge the current 
Western paradigm on the disintegration of ice sheet and get the ultimate first 
hand warning if the Western models are incorrect and the ice age end case 
history assigned wrong and Greenland does pose a danger. (The other two 
experiments are way beyond my means.)




"the most likely explanation for the Younger Dryas (a period of abrupt climate 
change in which ice age like conditions returned for around 1000 years to the 
N. Hemisphere and so named after an Arctic wildflower that was prevalent at the 
time) is the discharge of fresh water into the N. Atlantic from a large glacial 
lake in southern Canada and northern Minnesota, Lake Agassiz.  This lake was 
larger than all of the present Great Lakes combined and was closed on the 
southern end by an ice dam blocking discharge into the Mississippi River and 
also on the northern end by another ice dam, preventing emptying into Hudson 


Quite aside the climate change issue we are dealing with anther issue. The 
First Nations' people feel offended by the past misguided attempts to 
westernise through the much-hated "residential school system" where basic 
rights were not followed and child abuse prevailed. For the First Nations, the 
issue and life around the Laurentide Ice Sheet is the Western Nations attempt 
to brain-wash and force feed fake history to replace the indigenous histories 
built around the onset, advances, retreats and disappearance of the huge 
all-terrain covering ice sheet. 


The Lake Agassiz has a vital role in discussions when it comes to the issue of 
the Younger Dryas Point (YDP) World Heritage Site Listing application. There is 
no disagreement over the presence of this large lake between the First Nations 
and the Western nations. The YDP application refers to a particular site where 
the ancestors ran to the safety of their lives as the wall of water busted from 
Lake Agassiz washing out many villages and huge loss of life. The YDP site took 
the brunt of cascading water but was able to provide safety when lake bursted 
its banks. This site is important to the American indigenous peoples and came 
to be part of their heritage and is not yet recognised by UNESCO because they 
are always after things what are interesting to the white people, not what is 
important to the First Nations.


There is no doubt that the onset of the Younger Dryas had a world-wide impact 
and as such this site should qualify for UNESCO World Heritage site by a wide 
margin. But all Amerindian sites in UNESCO's books are sites where magnificent 
real estates has been built, or where gold and other treasures have been 
plundered. Or, where corn and potato were first cultivated. But real estates, 
agriculture, pop corns and potato chips are not part of the experience of 
majority of the First Nations who relied on hunting on climate far too cold for 
agriculture and lived nomadically. Thus the UNESCO bias and overlooking of 
important YDP site that was at the apex of a major event that shaped world for 
long period of time.


So we are well aware of the Lake Agassiz which formed when the shallow snow 
fields in front of the compacted Foxe-Laurentide Ice Dome melted away, but this 
was entirely separate event from the slide out of the Foxe-Laurentide Ice Dome 
which occurred 52 years after the Lake Agassiz busted its banks and the 
Laurentide drainage redirected from the river Mississippi in the south, to St. 
Lawrence in the East.


The Series 1 Experiment intends to find evidence of this ice sheet slide-out. 


This is the issue in question we are deliberating in depth because the climate 
risk as the Arctic Ocean sea ice cap melt-away and its potential starting to 
warm up climate rapidly increasing the accumulation of melt water within and 
under Greenland ice sheet.


The Western nations say that the time period from the Last Glacial Maximum to 
Youngest Dryas is 15,000 years and the depressed ocean level rose 
correspondingly this period to its current levels. If the First Nations are 
right that all compacted ice came out at once, we should see the sea level 
jumping suddenly (as per the United Nations' General Assembly complaint and 
investigation request what the First Nations of North America submitted under 
auspices of the World Indigenous Nations Summit as the closing plenary request 
when these bodies were in a joint session).


We are looking at 5 large conurbations that are located 30-120 metres below 
current sea level. If sea rose over these in 15,000 years the build structures 
should have faced the forces of sea as tropical storm systems do occur time to 
time to create large waves. If the conurbations are "Pompeii in Water" this 
would suggest sudden volumetric increase in sea, this supporting to ice sheet 
land containment failures elsewhere. We are also looking anomalies in the 
objects to be recovered, as the time span would be drastically reduced. In 
addition presence of human remains and household valuables left in place could 
also suggest the sea level suddenly jumping up if a large ice sheet 
destabilised elsewhere.


We are heading for Series 1 experiment first because these will deliver in any 
case good archaeological returns as the sites are from 5,000 dwellings, 1,200 
dwellings to 500 dwellings in size but the great dept makes the cost very high 
and complex equipment are required to remove large amount of mud and silt piled 
on top of many of the buildings. This is what we are discussing as a good 
scientific return is guaranteed even if the First Nations' idea fails.



Series 2 experiment addresses the Mesoamerican Climate Calendars which claim to 
have recorded the onset, advances, retreats and disappearance of the Laurentide 
Ice sheet. The native history-keeping of many First Nations are projected 
against the events and turning points in the evolution of the North American 
ice. Some of the First Nations have recorded the onset of climatic cooling and 
glaciers on annualised, yearly basis. The Western nations idea of 500,000 years 
is too long to have exhaustive recollections of events.


As Greenland Ice Dome and the Foxe - Laurentide Ice Dome behind the Baffin 
Island were formed simultaneously, the proposal to data-validate or dismiss is 
that the pre-glaciation era biodetrius is taken to mass-spectrometer test run 
to check it out for the number of years the First Nations insist the great ice 
persisted. As carbon-14 has a half-life 5,770 years the pre-glaciation era 
sub-glacial biodetritus returns positive reading, an impossibility if 
Greenland's ice sheet is 500,000 years old, or older, like the Western Nations 
claim. So this should easily distinguish between the two. So, objective is to 
obtain carbon-14 readings.


The First Nations view is that during the ice age sea levels dropped this 
destabilising the methane clathrates and exposing large sea beds in Siberia, 
Beringia, Doggerland to sunlight. Copious amounts of millions of years old 
geological carbon was released. As the oceans were freezing cold and 
non-stratified their capacity to dissolve and sunk carbon dioxide back to deep 
sea was enormous despite the large emissions. As cosmogenic carbon-14 was 
introduced to the system at flat rate due to cosmic radiation, its proportion 
diminishes in the middle column between the onset and ending of the ice age. 
The medium and long life cosmogenic radioisotopes are more indicative of the 
age of the soil where the plant once grew and as such can have a long 
pre-existence to the photosynthesising time of the plant. The plant metabolism 
dictates that the carbon-14 enters the plants direct from the ari through 
stomata on the leaves, while the other cosmogenic isotopes enter through root 
system. Thus despite being timed by long duration isotopes, these don't capture 
real time. 


The cause of the sudden glaciations is proposed as geothermal fluctuations and 
Mega-Surtsey event along the Reykjanes Ridge section of the Mid Atlantic Ridge 
as possible explanation why there were so much ice and snow so suddenly and why 
there were so intense rains in the tropics. But carbon-14 test is risky take or 
loose it all and our plan is first to do the Series 1 experiments to see if ice 
disappeared faster than the West says.


We also have a Series 4 experiment for the North Atlantic Perennial Sea Ice 
occurrence but as per this there is an agreement with the First Nations that 
this is not published as other people are making claims similar to ours and 
saying that we are borrowing their ideas. It is a sort of control mechanism to 
ensure that others do not run away with all our ideas and then we fail to get 
funding or the First Nations get short-changed with their dealings with the 
white people once again.



But that's all we try to do and hope get people checking out their details and 
secure that we do not get unexpected sudden sea level jumps and the Last Dryas 
period unexpected if Greenland ice sheet land containment failure occurs in the 
much warmer post-sea ice Arctic. 


As per now, the North West Passage's southernmost route is opening third year 
in a row, and one must now ask will it be open for every summer from now on?


Kr, Albert


Subject: Re: [geo] Re: Meeting with Clinton
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 07:14:01 -0400

I'm still not sure I understand what you guys are talking about with regard to 
sudden catastrophic disintegration of the Greenland Ice Sheet.  About 5 years 
ago, I raised the same possibility, but have yet to see any analyses that would 
support large slides of ice into the ocean.  As Greenland consists of three 
separate islands covered with ice, at some point, if enough of the ice sheet 
melted, the remaining ice would become unstable and fall into the ocean, but 
that would be a long way off.  
I do believe, however, that a survey of the structural stablility of both the 
Greenland and West Antarctic Ice sheets is merited.  I am not aware of this 
having been done and simply having climatologists say large pieces won't break 
off isn't good enough as they continue to be surprised by ice shelf collapses 
and sea ice disappearance.  In other words, they don't seem to be all that good 
at predicting the future.  We have a shortage of a lot of things in this world, 
among them civility and fresh drinking water, but one thing not in short supply 
is structural engineers.  I want to hear what they have to say about the 
Greenland Ice Sheet.  
I am not, however, convinced that an imminent catastrophe is upon us.  The 
basis for your concern appears to be folklore of the Inuits living along Hudson 
Bay around 12,400 years ago whose tales tell of their villages being swamped by 
a sudden rise in the water level and that the Younger Dryas period immediately 
followed. Is that correct?  Your conclusion was then that the sea level rise 
was due to a sudden release of ice by the Greenland Ice Sheet.
However, the most likely explanation for the Younger Dryas (a period of abrupt 
climate change in which ice age like conditions returned for around 1000 years 
to the N. Hemisphere and so named after an Arctic wildflower that was prevalent 
at the time) is the discharge of fresh water into the N. Atlantic from a large 
glacial lake in southern Canada and northern Minnesota, Lake Agassiz.  This 
lake was larger than all of the present Great Lakes combined and was closed on 
the southern end by an ice dam blocking discharge into the Mississippi River 
and also on the northern end by another ice dam, preventing emptying into 
Hudson Bay.
The fresh water released entered the N. Atlantic and disrupted the northern end 
of the Gulf Stream, hence the colder weather that followed.  This is loosely 
what the movie the Day After Tomorrow is based on, although that is a bad sci 
fi movie with little scientific basis behind it.  The events portrayed in the 
film could never happen as they violate laws of physics and thermodynamics.
Various theories have been advanced for the collapse of the ice dam, but the 
most likely one now seems to be a comet strike in eastern Canada that also 
caused massive wildfires, killing off most of the large mammals in N. America 
along with the Clovis people of New Mexico.  Soot and quartz particles found at 
the proposed impact site seem to confirm an extraterrestrial source of the 
event.  There is no evidence that Greenland was affected by the comet strike.  
The explanation for the much shorter cooling period of around 8000 years ago 
also seems to be related to a discharge from Lake Agassiz, although that one is 
also still debated.
I am interested in your comment about someone studying ways to stabilize the 
Greenland Ice sheet and would like to hear more about it.  Previously, we have 
discussed such ideas as filling in Moulins with some kind of straw, with ice 
and of course there was the Discovery Project Earth episode about placing 
insulating foam sheets around melt lakes.
The Royal Society report is not going to endorse the immediate use of 
geoengineering.  Most of these "evaluation type studies" have either rejected 
research altogether (the DEFRA paper) or called for some kind of long drawn out 
research program (Koonin workshop) in which the authors are never able or 
willing to pull the trigger and say what should be done and when.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Nissen 
To: Veli Albert Kallio 
Cc: John Davies ; ; Geoengineering 
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 5:43 AM
Subject: [geo] Re: Meeting with Clinton

Hi Albert,

Thanks for calling last night.  As I said, this is an opportunity to get three 
vital points across to Bill Clinton for your meeting in September:
    * the situation is far more serious and urgent than any scientist dares to 
admit [1], and warrants emergency action [2];
    * the action must include geoengineering, because emissions reduction will 
be too slow to have an effect;
    * geoengineering must be both SRM for cooling and carbon air capture for 
reducing acidification.

As regards the situation, there is both the risk of sea level rise from 
Greenland (with tsunami if there's a containment failure) and the risk of 
massive methane release (see John Davies' email yesterday) if the Arctic sea 
ice disappears in summer.   The temperature forcing (from positive feedback) is 
building up much faster than expected or forecast by IPCC models.  The ocean 
acidification, loss of coral reefs, reduction of rainforest and glacier decline 
(e.g in Himalayas) are also critical problems requiring action, starting now.  

The consensus of scientists is concentrating on emissions reduction, but it's 
clear, from the Climate Congress in March, that this alone is not going to be 
enough to reduce the risk of catastrophic warming [3] to an acceptable level.  
The risk could already be > 50:50, without geoengineering.  (Every year that we 
delay increases this risk - politicians should note.)

For saving the Arctic sea ice we need SRM - for which there are two main 
candidates: stratospheric aerosols and marine cloud brightening.  (A report 
from the Royal Society is due 1st September, so you can mention that.)  The 
risks of such geoengineering have to be balanced against the risk of not 
geoengineering - i.e. catastrophe for everybody!

If you can get Clinton to appreciate these central points, then you will have 
done a service for the world!  Try and explain slowly, simply and clearly, so 
he can really take in the enormity of what you are saying.  Be careful not to 
drown him with science.  And be careful not to distract him with thoughts which 
are not central to these three points about where we are now, why we have to 
change course and what we have to do most urgently.

It would be really helpful to have a draft of a paper that you will present to 
Clinton, summarising your arguments and including these points.

BTW, please email me details about this amazing bloke you've discovered, who 
has studied the possibility of containment failure and has considered 
geoengineering.  I couldn't find anything on Google to track him down.  Can you 
also remind me of the other people you have asked?



P.S.  I'll try to see the film!  I wish that being plunged into an ice age were 
a significant possibility, as this would save us from becoming toast.

[1]  Dares to admit, or is able to face.  People stop admitting the existence 
of danger when it gets too great - e.g. in final stages of cancer or when 
living just below a dam.  And what do you tell your children - that they could 
be doomed?

[2] Manhattan Project is good example of what can be done in emergency when 
facing an enemy.  We need to treat global warming as an enemy, regardless of 
whether it is anthropogenic or not, and so regardless of responsibility.

[3] Global warming likely to provoke global conflict and risk nuclear war, 
because of extreme effects on food scarcity, water shortages, and mass 

Veli Albert Kallio wrote: 

If you have not seen the film A Day After Tomorrow, please hire or buy a copy 
of it.
The only thing you substitute in the film is that the sea level surge and 
subsequent massive cooling is a result of global warming causing the footing of 
the ice sheet getting damange due to melt water lubrication within and under 
the ice. Once ice slides and breaks into sea, a sudden climatic cooling results 
as the disintergrating ice sheet rapidly melts into warm sea, making it as cold 
as your coca-cola in summer.
I'll take the points and trying to accommodate people as much as I can as I 
have a good team here and in the States moving this thing and the Danish, will 
eventually turn around too if things go to the direction the First Nations 
think the events went when ice age ended.
Kr, Albert
> Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 12:53:26 +0100
> From:
> To:
> CC:;
> Subject: Meeting with Clinton 
> Hi Albert,
> I'm just back from holiday, and have been talking to John Davies. It is 
> clear than the central topic for discussion is the possibility of 
> massive ice slide in past and future, to create sea level rise (but also 
> tsunami) and exacerbate global warming.
> So I urge that the following be included on agenda for Clinton, arising 
> directly from your central topic:
> 1. No tsunami warning system for Greenland and neighbours, let alone 
> other N Atlantic nations.
> 2. Past slides were due to global warming and/or volcanic action. 
> Future slides can be expected due to global warming.
> 3. Global warming is amplified at poles - at least doubling the 
> temperature rise both in the Arctic and around the Antarctic (affecting 
> WAIS).
> 4. How does one stop, delay, or reduce risk of future slide? For 
> Arctic, must save the Arctic sea ice - and similarly for the Antarctic.
> 5. For saving Arctic sea ice, physical measures are being considered 
> (such as river diversion) - but research is needed and there is no 
> research funding.
> 6. CO2 emissions reduction, however drastic and global, will take 
> decades before warming is halted, let alone reversed.
> 7. Positive feedback building up now - has to be countered.
> 8. Emissions of carbon black (fine soot particles) must be reduced - 
> which will have rapid effect.
> 9. SRM Geoengineering with sulphur aerosols must be trialled.
> 10. Cooling of water entering Arctic ocean, by marine cloud brightening 
> over Gulf Stream, must be attempted.
> 11. Research needed for cooling the WAIS, and preventing ice shelf loss.
> 12. Research needed on risks from volcanic action under WAIS.
> Certainly we should not make global warming worse by removing reflecting 
> aerosols from troposphere without at least countering that effect using 
> other reflecting aerosols - esp sulphur aerosols in stratosphere.
> Lunch calls,
> Cheers,
> John

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