Dear Ernie,

We carried out an iron addition experiment (SOFeX) with added silicic
acid and the diatom Pseudonitzschia spp. was thus able to flourish.
The added Si was unintentional and a result of the initial Fe
fertilization happening at a front which sheared the patch
horizontally which enabled vertical replenishment of the Si in a Si
limited region [Coale et al., 2004 and Coale et al., suppl. 2004].
Otherwise we probably would have got even more flagellates, the
majority group .  The bloom resulted in a 5 fold increase of DMS
(Wingenter et al., 2004).


Oliver Wingenter

On Mar 15, 10:05 pm, wrote:
> Hello, Dan,
> I think we are in really deep water here. The marine scientists are just  
> beginning to understand what's going on with open ocean phytoplankton.  I  
> was captivated by work being done by Irina Marinov and others at Woods Hole  
> while she was a post-doc there, showing how other nutrients have a critical
> role  in how iron is used.  She is now at U. of Penn.  
> _
> I think to really understand the goings-on with phytoplankton, it  would be
> good to talk with someone like her or dig into the recent  literature.  I
> think she was involved (not sure) with showing how the toxic  blooms are
> connected with insufficient dissolved silica in the water.   Natural surface
> fertilization usually involves application of iron-rich silica,  say from dust
> storms or colloidal minerals from glaciers.  (That's my  understanding,
> could be way off)  Silica shifts the productivity into  diatoms which are the
> bottom rung of the ocean food chain.  As far as I  know, no OIF experiments
> involved adding finely-divided silica with the  iron.
> I am very concerned about the acidification of sea water since silica  
> solubility decreases with decreasing pH.  I wonder if this has a bearing on  
> the
> falling oxygen concentration in sea water and the more frequent hypoxia  
> events in recent decades.
> My personal view is that ocean productivity is the real key to practical  
> geoengineering by way of CO2 removal.  But you will find many that would  
> disagree.
> Ernie Rogers
> In a message dated 3/15/2010 3:15:42 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time,  
> writes:
> A PNAS  paper was released today commenting on studies finding domoic
> acid in some  of the samples from previous OIF projects.
> A variety of articles have  
> commented.
> nkton.html
> I  commented here:
> A PNAS  paper released today which looks at domoic acid (DA) production
> in past OIF  experiments has concluded that DA was increased in some of
> the  projects.  Though the conclusions from the paper itself  were
> relatively conservative...
> "Although there remain uncertainties  in extrapolating our results to
> large oceanic scales, the findings  establish potential consequences
> for developing toxic phytoplankton blooms  in pelagic ecosystems, which
> so far have not been adequately  investigated."
> Headlines have ranged from the dramatic "Ocean  Geoengineering Scheme
> May Prove Lethal", and at the NY Times, the oddly  phrased, "A Risk of
> Poisoning the Deepest Wells" to the more subdued,  "Carbon-capture
> scheme could cause toxic blooms".
> All fail to  explore the obvious.  Namely, that phytoplankton underpin
> open ocean  productivity, that this productivity relies on iron, and
> that when iron-fed  naturally occurring blooms happen, they likely
> favor--in certain  regions--Pseudonitzschia or other DA producers.  In
> short, we know  that the availability of iron drives much of the
> oceanic carbon  cycle.  If DA is produced by artificially stimulated
> OIF blooms, it is  likely produced during natural ones as well.
> Moving forward, we need to  understand exactly how deep-ocean
> phytoplankton respond to iron--be it  naturally or artificially
> supplied, whether and in what situations DA is  produced, and how the
> ecosystem is or is not already adapted to this.   If it occurs
> naturally, are organisms that live there used to blooms  containing
> DA?  In past climate cycles, when productivity in the deep  ocean was
> much greater, was DA characteristic as well?
> These are  questions that remain unresolved and need well defined
> research programs to  address.
> --
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