Dear Group and Alan,

How much ash and dust was ejected? What is iron content? Its form, Fe2O3? If so the SO2 could acidify the dust and make some of the iron bioavailable. Could be an analog of ocean iron fertilization? I think Ken has a paper along these lines.

Oliver Wingenter

James R. Fleming wrote:
Thanks for the images.  It better not be an analog, however, since
geoengineers never proposed tropospheric aerosol injections and would not
want to mess up aviation.

Last week Alan Robock reported only 3-4 kt (0.003-0.004 Mt) of SO2 from the
Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption in Iceland as compared to 5 Mt from
Katmai in 1912 and 20 Mt from Pinatubo. Furthermore, it only went into the
troposphere, with a lifetime of a week or so.  So he expects "absolutely no
climatic effect based on emissions so far."  In other words, a much larger
injection for a period of years (essentially a geoengineering implementation
scenario) would be needed to detect a climate response.

On 4/19/10 3:58 PM, "Ning Zeng" <> wrote:

All: Below is a link to a series of MODIS images of the Iceland
volcanic eruption beginning in March. Depending on how it goes, it
could be a natural analog to targeted Arctic geoengineering. -Ning

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