Dear All,

I'm currently putting together an article for the Ecologist on
attitudes towards geo-engineering in the scientific and economic
communities and was wondering if anyone here could help.

I noticed this week that a couple of environmental economists
(Professors Alistair Ulph and Robert Hahn) from Manchester's
Sustainable Consumption Institute have published a new book, which
basically argues that governments have done so little to reduce carbon
emissions that it's now essential to invest in geo-engineering R&D.

The press release is here:

Basically, I'm interested in whether this book is indicative of the
emergence of a wider consensus on geo-engineering. Is the economic/
scientific community reaching a tipping point where geo-engineering is
becoming seen as plausible, desirable, and even inevitable?

Of course, I'm fully aware of the huge divides in opinion that still
exist on the subject, and I realise that there are many many risks and
issues which must be dealt with first before geo-engineering solutions
can be implemented. But is there a sense of gathering momentum? The
issue has been discussed in Westminster and is gaining ever more
public exposure in the media. Is geo-engineering reaching critical

Any thoughts much appreciated!

Many thanks,

Ben Martin
0207 422 8100

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