"Geoengineering allows natural carbon sinks to enjoy all the benefits of high 
CO2without the associated drawbacks of high temperatures, and these sinks 
stronger as a result. From looking at the different sinks, we found that the 
sequestration was due almost entirely to the land, rather than the ocean." 

Has meso-scale experimentation with elevated CO2 in plant communities shown 
greater net storage of carbon under elevated CO2?


While some increases in primary production are found, soil respiration also is 
seen to increase:
so the net effect on air CO2 could/should be zero, especially if plants are not 
carbon limited, which would seem the usual case.  But in a very brief search I 
see no discussion of this. 

Anyway, is there empirical evidence that land sinks increase under high CO2 at 
constant T?


From: Andrew Lockley <andrew.lock...@gmail.com>
To: geoengineering <geoengineering@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, September 16, 2012 3:51:19 PM
Subject: [geo] Modelling Geoengineering, Part II | ClimateSight

Poster's note: Fascinating and very readable blog post by UVic modellers. Only 
available here as it won't be published. 


Climate science and the public
Modelling Geoengineering, Part II
Near the end of my summer at the UVic Climate Lab, all the scientists seemed to 
go on vacation at the same time and us summer students were left to our own 
devices. I was instructed to teach Jeremy, Andrew Weaver’s other summer 
how to use the UVic climate model – he had been working with weather station 
data for most of the summer, but was interested in Earth system modelling 
too.Jeremy caught on quickly to the basics of configuration and I/O, and after 
only a day or two, we wanted to do something more exciting than the standard 
test simulations. Remembering an old post I wrote, I dug up this paper (open 
access) by Damon Matthews and Ken Caldeira, which modelled geoengineering by 
reducing incoming solar radiation uniformly across the globe. We decided to 
replicate their method on the newest version of the UVic ESCM, using the four 
RCP scenarios in place of the old A2 scenario. We only took CO2 forcing into 
account, though: other greenhouse gases would have been easy enough to add in, 
but sulphate aerosols are spatially heterogeneous and would complicate the 
algorithm substantially.Since we were interested in the carbon cycle response 
geoengineering, we wanted to prescribe CO2emissions, rather than 
However, the RCP scenarios prescribe concentrations, so we had to run the model 
with each concentration trajectory and find the equivalent emissions 
Since the UVic model includes a reasonably complete carbon cycle, it can 
“diagnose” emissions by calculating the change in atmospheric carbon, 
subtracting contributions from land and ocean CO2 fluxes, and assigning the 
residual to anthropogenic sources.After a few failed attempts to represent 
geoengineering without editing the model code (e.g., altering the volcanic 
forcing input file), we realized it was unavoidable. Model development is 
a bit of a headache, but it makes you feel like a superhero when everything 
falls into place. The job was fairly small – just a few lines that culminated 
equation 1 from the original paper – but it still took several hours to puzzle 
through the necessary variable names and header files! Essentially, every 
timestep the model calculates the forcing from CO2 and reduces incoming solar 
radiation to offset that, taking changing planetary albedo into account. When 
were confident that the code was working correctly, we ran all four RCPs from 
2006-2300 with geoengineering turned on. The results were interesting (see 
for further discussion) but we had one burning question: what would happen if 
geoengineering were suddenly turned off?By this time, having completed several 
thousand years of model simulations, we realized that we were getting a bit 
carried away. But nobody else had models in the queue – again, they were all on 
vacation – so our simulations were running three times faster than normal. 
restart files (written every 100 years) as our starting point, we turned off 
geoengineering instantaneously for RCPs 6.0 and 8.5, after 100 years as well as 
200 years.
Similarly to previous experiments, our representation of geoengineering still 
led to sizable regional climate changes. Although average global temperatures 
fell down to preindustrial levels, the poles remained warmer than preindustrial 
while the tropics were cooler:Also, nearly everywhere on the globe became drier 
than in preindustrial times. Subtropical areas were particularly hard-hit. I 
suspect that some of the drying over the Amazon and the Congo is due to 
deforestation since preindustrial times, though:Jeremy also made some plots of 
key one-dimensional variables for RCP8.5, showing the results of no 
geoengineering (i.e. the regular RCP – yellow), geoengineering for the entire 
simulation (red), and geoengineering turned off in 2106 (green) or 2206 
(blue):It only took about 20 years for average global temperature to fall back 
to preindustrial levels. Changes in solar radiation definitely work quickly. 
Unfortunately, changes in the other direction work quickly too: shutting off 
geoengineering overnight led to rates of warming up to 5 C / decade, as the 
climate system finally reacted to all the extra CO2. To put that in 
we’re currently warming around 0.2 C / decade, which far surpasses historical 
climate changes like the Ice Ages.Sea level rise (due to thermal expansion 
only – the ice sheet component of the model isn’t yet fully implemented) is 
directly related to temperature, but changes extremely slowly. When 
geoengineering is turned off, the reversals in sea level trajectory look more 
like linear offsets from the regular RCP.Sea ice area, in contrast, reacts 
quickly to changes in temperature. Note that this data gives annual averages, 
rather than annual minimums, so we can’t tell when the Arctic Ocean first 
becomes ice-free. Also, note that sea ice area is declining ever so slightly 
even withgeoengineering – this is because the poles are still warming a little 
bit, while the tropics cool.Things get really interesting when you look at the 
carbon cycle. Geoengineering actually reducedatmospheric CO2 concentrations 
compared to the regular RCP. This was expected, due to the dual nature of 
cycle feedbacks. Geoengineering allows natural carbon sinks to enjoy all the 
benefits of high CO2without the associated drawbacks of high temperatures, and 
these sinks become stronger as a result. From looking at the different sinks, 
found that the sequestration was due almost entirely to the land, rather than 
the ocean:In this graph, positive values mean that the land is a net carbon 
(absorbing CO2), while negative values mean it is a net carbon source 
CO2). Note the large negative spikes when geoengineering is turned off: the 
land, adjusting to the sudden warming, spits out much of the carbon that it had 
previously absorbed.Within the land component, we found that the strengthening 
carbon sink was due almost entirely to soil carbon, rather than vegetation:This 
graph shows total carbon content, rather than fluxes – think of it as the 
integral of the previous graph, but discounting vegetation carbon.Finally, the 
lower atmospheric CO2 led to lower dissolved CO2 in the ocean, and alleviated 
ocean acidification very slightly. Again, this benefit quickly went away when 
geoengineering was turned off.
Is geoengineering worth it? I don’t know. I can certainly imagine scenarios in 
which it’s the lesser of two evils, and find it plausible (even probable) that 
we will reach such a scenario within my lifetime. But it’s not something to 
undertake lightly. As I’ve said before, desperate governments are likely to use 
geoengineering whether or not it’s safe, so we should do as much research as 
possible ahead of time to find the safest form of implementation.The modelling 
of geoengineering is in its infancy, and I have a few ideas for improvement. In 
particular, I think it would be interesting to use a complex atmospheric 
chemistry component to allow for spatial variation in the forcing reduction 
through sulphate aerosols: increase the aerosol optical depth over one source 
country, for example, and let it disperse over time. I’d also like to try 
modelling different kinds of geoengineering – sulphate aerosols as well as 
mirrors in space and iron fertilization of the ocean.Jeremy and I didn’t 
research anything that others haven’t, so this project isn’t original enough 
publication, but it was a fun way to stretch our brains. It was also a good 
topic for a post, and hopefully others will learn something from our 
experiments.Above all, leave over-eager summer students alone at your own risk. 
They just might get into something like this.

Kate is a young climate scientist from the Canadian Prairies. She became 
interested in climate science as a teenager, and increasingly began to notice 
the discrepancies between scientific and public knowledge on climate change. 
started writing this blog at age sixteen, simply to keep herself sane, but she 
hopes she'll be able to spread accurate information far and wide while she does 

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