I'm no fan of Guardian reporting on GE, but note that this story is a year 
old (published 10/6/11).


On Thursday, October 11, 2012 8:44:09 PM UTC-4, andrewjlockley wrote:
> Posters note: The Guardian has forgotten to take its medicine again. 
> Apparently David K, Ken C and John S are about to take over the world and 
> get really rich. This sounds awesome fun and I'd love to join in.
> A 
> http://m.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2011/oct/06/us-push-geoengineering?cat=environment&type=article
> 12.10.12
> Big names behind US push for geoengineering
> A coalition representing the most powerful academic, military, scientific 
> and corporate interests has set its sights on vast potential profitsBritish 
> scientists have pulled back from geoengineering projects but the US is 
> forging ahead. Photograph: Gallo Images/Getty ImagesJohn VidalGuardian 
> Weekly, Thu 6 Oct 2011 12.04 BSTBlogpostShare on twitterShare on 
> facebookShare on emailMore Sharing Services0UK scientists last week 
> "postponed"one of the world's first attempts to physically manipulate the 
> upper atmosphere to cool the planet. Okay, so the Stratospheric Particle 
> Injection for Climate Engineering project wasn't actually going to spray 
> thousands of tonnes of reflective particles into the air to replicate a 
> volcano, but the plan to send a balloon with a hose attached 1km into the 
> sky above Norfolk was an important step towards the ultimate techno-fix for 
> climate change.The reason the British scientists gave for pulling back was 
> that more time was needed for consultation. In retrospect, it seems bizarre 
> that they had only talked to a few members of the public. It was only when 
> 60 global groups wrote to the UK governmentand the resarch groups behind 
> the project requesting cancellation that they paid any attention to 
> critics.Over the Atlantic, though, the geoengineers are more gung-ho. Just 
> days after the British got cold feet, the Washington-based thinktank 
> the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC)published a major report calling for the 
> United States and other likeminded countries to move towards large-scale 
> climate change experimentation. Trying to rebrand geoengineering as 
> "climate remediation", the BPC report is full of precautionary rhetoric, 
> but its bottom line is that there should be presidential leadership for the 
> nascent technologies, a "coalition of willing" countries to experiment 
> together, large-scale testing and big government funding.So what is the BPC 
> and should we take this non-profit group seriously? For a start these guys 
> - and they are indeed mostly men - are not bipartisan in any sense that the 
> British would understand. The operation is part-funded by big oil, 
> pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, and while it claims to 
> "represent a consensus among what have historically been divergent 
> views," it appears to actually represent the most powerful US academic, 
> military, scientific and corporate interests. It lobbies for free trade, US 
> military supremacy and corporate power and was described recently as a 
> "collection of neo-conservatives, hawks, and neoliberal interventionists 
> who want to make war on Iran".Their specially convened taskforce is, in 
> fact, the cream of the emerging science and military-led geoengineering 
> lobby with a few neutrals chucked in to give it an air of political 
> sobriety. It includes former ambassadors, an assistant secretary of state, 
> academics, and a chief US climate negotiator.Notable among the group is 
> David Whelan, a man who spent years in the US defence department working on 
> the stealth bomber and nuclear weapons and who now leads a group of people 
> as Boeing's chief scientist working on "ways to find new solutions to 
> world's most challenging problems".There are signs of cross US-UK 
> pollination – one member of the taskforce is John Shepherd, who recently 
> wrote for the Guardian: "I've concluded that geoengineering research – and 
> I emphasise the term research – is, sadly, necessary." But he cautioned: 
> "what we really need is more and better information. The only way to get 
> that information is through appropriate research."It also includes several 
> of geoengineering's most powerful academic cheerleaders. Atmosphere 
> scientist Ken Caldeira, from Stanford University, used to work at the 
> National laboratory at Livermore with the people who developed the 
> ill-fated "star wars" weapons. Together with David Keith, a researcher at 
> the University of Calgary in Canada, who is also on the BPC panel, Caldeira 
> manages billionaire Bill Gates's geoengineering research budget. Both 
> scientists have patents pending on geoengineering processes and both were 
> members of of the UK Royal Society's working group on geoengineering which 
> in 2009 recommended more research. Meanwhile, Keith has a company 
> developing a machine to suck CO2 out of the year and Caldeira has patented 
> ideas to stop hurricanes forming.In sum, this coalition of US expertise is 
> a group of people which smell vast potential future profits for their 
> institutions and companies in geo-engineering.Watch out. This could be the 
> start of the next climate wars.

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