UN General Assembly Resolution of 2007 - A/RES/62/215 Oceans and the law of 
the sea
is available at 

It says - 

"98. Encourages States to support the further study and enhance 
understanding of ocean iron fertilization;"

No country seems to have implemented this resolution, except for the 2009 
LOHAFEX experiment and the 2012 HSRC private experiment.

Even today people are opposing, rather than supporting, experimentation 



On Wednesday, 6 February 2013 14:21:14 UTC+5:30, andrewjlockley wrote:
> http://climate-l.iisd.org/guest-articles/climate-change-and-geoengineering-ocean-fertilization-practicalities-opportunities-and-threats/
> Climate Change and Geoengineering: Ocean Fertilization Practicalities, 
> Opportunities and Threats
> Monday, February 4th, 2013
> Wendy Watson-Wright, Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Oceanographic 
> Commission of UNESCO; Jorge Luis Valdes, Head, Ocean Sciences; and Henrik 
> Enevoldsen, Program Specialist, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission 
> Concern over human-driven climate change and the lack of success in 
> constraining greenhouse gas emissions have increased scientific and policy 
> interest in geo-engineering - deliberate interventions in the Earth's 
> climate system that might moderate global warming. One of the earliest 
> proposed carbon-removal techniques is large-scale ocean fertilization.This 
> is accomplished by adding iron or other nutrients to surface waters. The 
> intention is to enhance microscopic marine plant growth on a scale large 
> enough to not only significantly increase the uptake of atmospheric carbon 
> by the ocean, but also remove it from the atmosphere for long enough to 
> provide global climatic benefit. This suggestion grew out of scientific 
> ideas developed in the late 1980s, based on analyses of natural, long-term 
> climate changes (i.e., ice age cycles) and experiments that provided new 
> insights into the natural factors that limit ocean productivity, and 
> thereby control the cycling of carbon between sea and sky.Major political 
> and ethical challengesUnfortunately, the practicalities, opportunities and 
> threats associated with ocean fertilization are only partly understood, and 
> will in all likelihood include unintended ecological consequences, which in 
> turn can pose important political, social and ethical challenges. 
> Small-scale field experiments and associated modelling have shown that the 
> likely maximum benefits of ocean fertilization as a negative emissions 
> technique are modest in relation to anthropogenic climate forcing. It would 
> also be highly challenging to quantify with acceptable accuracy the amount 
> of carbon removed from circulation on a long-term basis, and in particular 
> to adequately monitor unintended impacts over large space and 
> time-scales.Meeting the political, ethical and regulatory challenges of 
> geo-engineering, including ocean fertilization, requires building toward an 
> international governance framework to ensure that research of this nature 
> is conducted responsibly and transparently. A global and effective 
> regulatory mechanism is needed to be put in place for ocean fertilization, 
> other than for small-scale scientific research studies within coastal 
> waters.The United Nations General Assembly has encouraged States to support 
> further study and to enhance understanding of ocean fertilization 
> (Resolution 62/215; December 2007). Four UN entities have major interests 
> in this topic: the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 
> (IOC), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the London Convention 
> and Protocol (LC/LP) and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). 
> Together they cover the spectrum of marine science, marine conservation and 
> pollution regulation.Ocean fertilization activities on holdIn response to 
> concerns that large-scale ocean fertilization might be attempted before its 
> consequences were fully understood, and upholding the precautionary 
> principle, the Parties to the CBD decided in 2008 that no further ocean 
> fertilization activities for whatever purpose should be carried out in 
> non-coastal waters until there is stronger scientific justification, 
> assessed through a global regulatory mechanism. Such a regulatory framework 
> is now being developed by the LC/LP.The IOC has been closely involved in 
> CBD and LC/LP discussions. Our 2009 publication, "Ocean Fertilization: A 
> Scientific Summary for Policy Makers", was commissioned in conjunction with 
> the Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS), the International 
> Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (ICACGP), the 
> World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), the International 
> Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and the Scientific Committee on 
> Oceanic Research (SCOR) of the International Council for Science (ICSU). It 
> includes in its key messages that 'large-scale fertilization could have 
> unintended (and difficult to predict) impacts, not only locally... but also 
> far removed in space and time. Impact assessments need to include the 
> possibility of such 'far-field' effects on biological productivity, 
> sub-surface oxygen levels, biogas production and ocean 
> acidification'.Despite this, an uncontrolled geo-engineering project was 
> carried out in July 2012, which caused considerable scientific and public 
> criticism when communicated to the general public in October 2012. A 
> private company dumped more than one hundred tons of iron, ten times the 
> amount used in any previous experiments, to deliberately fertilize and 
> trigger a plankton bloom in the Pacific Ocean 300 km off the west coast of 
> Canada. The stated intention was to enhance fisheries in the area.Given the 
> present state of knowledge, we should all be deeply concerned about 
> activities such as this that are carried out in the absence of 
> transparency, in contradiction of the precautionary principle and in 
> violation of international conventions. The ocean is a single, contiguous 
> body of water that is crucial to human life: an unauthorized experiment 
> carried out in one place can have consequences hundreds of kilometres away. 
> Our well-being depends on a healthy ocean. We must all take responsibility 
> for this global commons, and build on shared knowledge and international 
> cooperation to manage it sustainably.

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