Actually, biogeoenineering as described in this fascinating article:

and in the media here:

Building on the termite's (and beaver's) successes, could humans then also 
safely and sustainably geoengineer their environment?

From: Andrew Lockley <>
To: geoengineering <>
Sent: Sun, April 7, 2013 12:01:21 PM
Subject: [geo] Dealing with the uncertainties of climate engineering: Warnings 
from a psychological complex problem solving perspective D. Amelung, J. Funke

Dealing with the uncertainties of climate engineering: Warnings from a
psychological complex problem solving perspective

Dorothee Amelung, ,
Joachim Funke
Department of Psychology, Heidelberg University, Hauptstraße 47-51,
69117 Heidelberg, Germany

Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 6221 547571; fax: +49 547273.
Available online 28 March 2013, How to Cite or Link Using DOI

1. Introduction
2. Why finding a solution to climate change means solving a complex problem
3. Psychological complex problem solving research in the context of
climate politics
4. Implications of the complex problem solving perspective for the
problem solver
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion

Decision-makers in the context of climate politics are confronted with
considerable uncertainties due to the complexities inherent in the
relevant natural and social systems. Nonetheless, pressure on
decision-makers to find solutions to dangerous climate change is
rising due to the inertia in the climate system. Considering these
pressures, technological options (climate engineering) have been
proposed to counteract the effects of climatic change. However,
introducing options that bear their own scientific uncertainties means
further adding to the complexity of the situation. By adopting the
psychological perspective of complex problem solving research, we
analyze one frequently neglected source of uncertainty with regard to
climate engineering: errors of the political problem-solver in his
interaction with the situational demands of complex problems. More
specifically, we examine the psychological sources for human error
that are common in dealing with the uncertainties implied in this type
of problem. We will conclude from the complex problem solving
perspective that a consideration of climate engineering in the context
of climate change can provide a dangerous illusion of controllability.


► Newly emerging climate engineering technology complicates climate
strategy selection.
► We apply psychological complex problem solving research to this topic.
► We examine the specific difficulties for the political problem-solver.
► Difficulties lie in model building, information retrieval,
prediction and goal setting.
► Climate engineering provides a dangerous illusion of controllability.


Complex problem solving;
Geoengineering technology;
Climate politics

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