Andrew and list (adding Ken C) 

Thanks for the alert on this new article by Jason Mark. 

1. An important event tomorrow (Thursday) evening is hidden at the same Earth 
Island site - a geoengineering debate between Dr. Ken Caldeira and Dr. Clive 
Hamilton. There is a $10 charge to attend. It didn't seem that this will also 
be available live through video, so somebody please alert us if this will be 
broadcast. I hope someone in the Bay area other than Ken can attend, take 
notes, and report the areas of agreement and disagreements - preferably on both 
parts of geoengneering. 

2. Like the last one of Mr. Mark's articles you alerted us to (in 2012) - I am 
afraid that the words "geoengineering", "SRM", and "CDR" are again all mixed up 
together in this report (given below) on Dr. Kahan's study. I again have no 
idea if Mr. Mark is ever attributing anything to any CDR approach. I think he 
is only interested in SRM, although only the term "geoengineering" is used. (as 
also in the Kahan study). 

3. Has anybody ever seen anything like the Kahan study - which might address 
only perceptions of the CDR technologies? I don't think any of the articles in 
the recent Climatic Change issue on CDR topics, edited by Massimo Tavon and 
Robert Socolow, cover this, do they?. 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Lockley" <> 
To: "geoengineering" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2013 10:46:57 AM 
Subject: [geo] If We Could Fix Climate Change With a Flick of a Switch, Will It 
be More Palatable to Conservatives? | Earth Island Journal

Geoengineering might get more conservatives to believe in global warming – and 
I’m not sure that’s a good thing 

As the consequences of climate change become increasingly obvious (you know, 
floods, fires, and droughts), it’s becoming more and more difficult for 
conservatives to dismiss global warming out-of-hand. Yes, the folks at The 
Heartland Institute are still plugging along (thanks for sending me your recent 
book, fellows). But – outside the shrinking band of dead-enders – 
self-described conservatives are beginning to acknowledge that man-made climate 
change is real and will require action. A recent Gallup poll found that more 
than half of Republicans now acknowledge the existence of global warming, up 
from 39 percent in 2011.On Thursday Earth Island Journal and Grist are 
co-sponsoring a debate on geoengineering at the David Brower Center in 
Berkeley. Get your tickets here.Having long denied the problem exists and 
squandered precious time to mitigate it, some conservatives now say it’s too 
late to do anything about climate change. This is what a former Obama White 
House official has called “the sophisticated objection” to taking action to 
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Or as Stephen Colbert explained the situation 
earlier this year in his signature style: “It’s high time we stop denying the 
problem and resign ourselves to each day getting worse.”In short, decades of 
delay and geopolitical gridlock have become an excuse for inaction and 
fatalism.That’s bad enough. It’s sort of like letting part of your house catch 
fire and then saying there’s no reason to call 911 because, hey, the neighbors 
aren’t calling the fire department, either. Might as well let ‘er burn.But I 
have another worry. I’m concerned that, with global atmospheric CO2 
concentrations having topped 400 ppm (the highest in at least 800,000 years), 
conservatives will begin to say we have no choice but to embrace atmospheric 
geoengineering: technologies that will manipulate the entire planet by either 
blocking some sunlight from hitting Earth and/or finding ways to modify plants 
or the oceans to suck up vast amounts of carbon dioxide.My anxiety is based on 
an interesting study published last year by Yale’s Dan Kahan and other 
researchers. Kahan and his colleagues wanted to test what’s called the 
“cultural cognition thesis.” This is the idea (fairly well documented by now) 
that most of us base our opinions – not on evidence or rational thought – but 
on factors like the beliefs of our peer group, our existing ideological frames, 
and our concept of values. Or, to mangle a complex scientific hypothesis and 
put it into lay terms: Conservatives are skeptical of climate change because 
they think Al Gore is a fat doofus, while progressives are skeptical of 
unfettered gun ownership because they think Rush Limbaugh is a fat doofus. No 
matter how rational we think we are, each of us perceives the world through the 
veil of our own biases.Kahan et. al. wanted to test how individuals’ opinions 
about the risk of climate change are influenced by (among other things) whether 
they have heard of geoengineering. The researchers found that when given 
information about geoengineering, conservatives were more likely to accept 
information about climate change as real; at the same time, learning about 
geoengineering made liberals less likely to accept information about climate 
change. The science journalist Chris Mooney – who has made a career out of 
parsing the cultural cognition thesis – has a smart take here about the liberal 
side of the equation. I’m more interested in the conservative viewpoint 
because, as I said, I think geoengineering promotion is going to be the next 
stage of conservative talking points after climate fatalism. I’m pretty sure 
that someday soon we will witness conservatives clamoring for geoengineering as 
a preferred alternative to making our economies less carbon-intensive. The line 
will go something like this: “There’s nothing we can do to slash greenhouse gas 
emissions, so we might as well hack the sky.”(At least one prominent 
conservative think tank, the American Enterprise Institute, is already working 
on this argument. AEI fellow Sam Thernstrom has written opinion pieces for The 
Washington Postand The Los Angeles Times promoting geoengineering as a possible 
“solution” for global warming.)Recent research has revealed that there are real 
differences between the brains of self-described liberals and self-described 
conservatives. Liberals are, in general, more open-minded and interested in new 
ideas. Conservatives place higher value on orderliness and hierarchy. Liberals 
are more communitarian while conservatives are more individualistic. These 
predispositions help explain why conservatives would be more willing to accept 
climate change science if they have first learned about geoengineering. Here’s 
how Kahan and his colleagues explain it: “The geoengineering news story … 
linked climate-change science to cultural meanings – of human ingenuity and of 
overcoming natural limits on commerce and industry – that at least partially 
offset the threat that crediting such information would normally pose to the 
identity of Hierarchical Individualists [conservatives].” Or, in simpler terms: 
the technological quick-fix promised by geoengineering conforms to 
conservatives’ belief in humanity’s dominion over nature. At the very least, 
it’s preferable to making sweeping changes in our society and economy – changes 
that would likely have to be driven by some kind of government action. 
Geoengineering is attractive to conservatives because it offers the promise of 
being able to continue business as usual.I’ve been tracking the geoengineering 
debate for years, and it scares the bejeebers out of me. The science of 
planetary manipulation might be air-tight, but everything else about it is 
half-baked. The geopolitics of the thing are messy: Who, for example, would 
control the global thermostat if, say, Russia wanted it warmer and India wanted 
it cooler? The ethics are also squishy: What if some people benefit from 
planetary manipulation while others suffer? Most worrisome is the long-term 
bind into which it would put all of humanity. Once we start manipulating the 
atmosphere, we won’t be able to stop, because then temperatures would spike 
back up.As I wrote in an Earth Island Journal cover story some time ago: “As 
geo-engineering proponents acknowledge, schemes like sulfur aerosol address 
only the symptoms, not the source, of global climate change. That fact betrays 
our society’s bias for the techno-fix, the seemingly easy way out. Seemingly – 
because geo-engineering is the most complicated strategy we could pursue. It 
takes a problem, simplifies its cause, and then exaggerates its solution. It’s 
like a Rube Goldberg machine, employing eight or nine steps when one or two 
would do. Instead of pursuing the elegant solutions – trading in our cars for 
buses, turning off the coal and turning on the wind – we are going to build a 
contraption to make the clouds shinier.”In the course of reporting that story, 
AEI’s Thernstrom told me that one of the virtues of geoengineering is its 
centralized control. While unilateral emissions reductions are pointless, 
unilateral geo-engineering could work. Any industrial power could likely do it 
on its own.OK. But I have to wonder: If conservatives don’t trust the federal 
government to manage our health care system, why would they trust the federal 
government to manage the entire sky? 

Jason Mark, Editor, Earth Island Journal 

Jason Mark is a writer-farmer with a deep background in environmental politics. 
In addition to his work in the Earth Island Journal, his writings have appeared 
in the San Francisco Chronicle, The Nation, The Progressive, Utne Reader, 
Orion, Gastronomica,,, E magazine, and Yes! He is a 
co-author of Building the Green Economy: Success Stories from the Grassroots 
and also co-author with Kevin Danaher of Insurrection: Citizen Challenges to 
Corporate Power. When not writing and editing, he co-manages Alemany Farm, San 
Francisco’s largest food production site. 

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