Do you really believe you could simply go in and trigger a volcanic eruption? 
Are you willing to take responsibility for unexpected consequences? 

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 2:53:52 PM 
Subject: [geo] Re: Triggering volcanos, AGU RT 


Here's how I might trigger an eruption and design an SRM long-term program: 

1.  Select a remote region with numerous volcanoes.  If successful, you will 
want a new eruption every 5 to 10 years to sustain about 1 MT in the 
stratosphere for 100 to 300 years.  The 27 volcanoes in the Aleutian Islands 
comes to mind  .  The stratosphere is 
only about 10 miles up at the poles so more SO2 can delivered. 

2.  Evaluate the structure of the volcano to locate/define the magma chamber, 
vent, branch pipes, geology, aquifers and access to seawater (for steam 

3. Evaluate the application of directional drilling to reach the main vent for 
potential fracking the plug material with water or explosives simultaneously at 
multiple depths from the magma chamber to the main caldera and/or side vents.  
Consider pros and cons of drilling from land and/or from offshore ocean rigs. 

4.  Evaluate the feasibility of delivering high-volume seawater immediately at 
the time of vent fracking via directional drilled bore holes from the ocean to 
fracked sections below sea level. 

5.  Continue to evaluate all volcanoes in the remote region and rank each by 
level of difficulty for triggering an eruption.  Prepare a preliminary eruption 

6.  Conduct the first triggered eruption with an international, pre-designed 
geologic, atmospheric and oceanic monitoring program in place.  Monitor results 
globally for 10 years. 

7.  Select technical and policy experts from the participants in the monitoring 
and drilling programs to evaluate results annually.  Decide on the feasibility 
to implement the eruption schedule. 

8.  Evaluate the potential to augment the eruption results with other SRM 
aerosol injection technologies.  This need may be dependent upon the mass of 
SO2 released by the individual triggered eruption (ranging from 0.2 to 20 MT 

9.  Modify the schedule of triggered eruptions to include intermittent natural 
volcanic eruptions that occur globally. 

10.  Evaluate this triggered eruption program for implementation in the north 
and southern hemispheres aided by intensive modeling.  

11.  If that doesn't work, implement Plan B. 

On Thursday, April 5, 2012 7:57:59 PM UTC-4, Andrew Lockley wrote: 

theAGU Super-villains take note: How feasible is deviously inducing a volcanic 

How do people suggest we could get a volcano to erupt? 

The vast majority of fictional attempts to get a large explosive device into a 
volcano —something like a nuclear bomb — and the explosion from the bomb will 
cause the volcano to erupt. In most cases, the bomb needs to be delivered deep 
into the volcano (usually schematically shown as the “big vat of magma” that 
doesn’t exist) to get the plan to work. The idea is the explosion in the magma 
will cause it to continue to erupt. No one has ever tried this in reality 
(although we have bombed lava flows to no effect). I’ve also heard people say 
that merely drilling into a volcano could case an eruption by releasing the 
pressure building in the volcano, however, this sort of thing happens a lot 
without dire consequences (unless you own the drill rig). Interestingly, both 
of these ideas are also suggested when discussing how to stop a volcano from 
erupting — again, mostly by lowering the pressure in the volcano or blocking 
the magma from reaching the surface. 

Why do volcanoes erupt in the first place? 

The name of the game when it comes to starting an explosive volcanic eruption 
is pressure — or, more specifically, a drop in pressure. A simplified way to 
think of a volcano is like a champagne bottle with a cork. Keep that cork on 
and the bubbles in the champagne stay in solution. However, you remove that 
cork and all the dissolved carbon dioxide comes out of solution and bubbles 
form. Release that pressure fast enough and the bubbles form so quickly that 
you get that “pop” from the bottle. Build the pressure up in the bottle by 
shaking it and release the pressure and all that $500 bottle of champagne comes 
gushing out the top. That is, in a basic sense, what happens for an explosive 
eruption of a volcano — volcanic gases come out of solution as the pressure is 
released, forming bubbles that fragment the magma into ash and tephra. That 
pressure being released is what we call “lithostatic pressure,” that is the 
pressure caused by all the rocks above the magma. Lithostatic pressure goes up 
quite rapidly in the Earth —it takes 10 km of the Earth’s atmosphere to produce 
1 “atmosphere” of pressure (what we feel at sea level). It only takes 4.4 
meters of rock above you to exert the same force. Release enough of that 
lithostatic pressure and you release the cork. The ash plume is the “foom!” of 
champagne coming out of the bottle. 

The other way you can get a magma to erupt, usually explosively, is the 
addition of outside water. Think about the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull — 
that eruption was made much more explosive by all the melted snow/ice on the 
volcano that mixed with the magma (however, it was likely triggered by an 
injection of new, hot magma). If the right ratio of water-to-magma exists, then 
the explosive mixing of magma and water can be self-sustaining, meaning that 
the explosive eruption will continue propagating until the supply of water or 
magma runs out. However, too little water means that you likely don’t sustain 
the explosive mixing, too much water and you quench (solidify) too much of the 

What could trigger an eruption? 

There are many theories of what can trigger a volcano to erupt. Some are as 
simple as the buoyancy of magma — it is less dense than the surrounding rock, 
so it rises until it intersects the surface. Likely, this is only the dominant 
process as volcanoes that produce lava flows like Kilauea. If you want an 
explosive volcanic eruption, you want to produce bubbles (and lots of them) by 
(1) decompressing the magma, causing gases to come out of solution; (2) 
crystallizing minerals to concentrate water/volatiles in the remaining magma or 
(3) heating the magma with a new intrusion. A release in pressure can be 
accomplished a number of ways, including the failure of the roof above the 
magma body (a volcanic landslide is a great way), the buoyant rise of the magma 
or through some less common factors like melting of a glacier (likely too slow 
a process to trigger a specific eruption), excessive precipitation to erode the 
volcano, changes in atmospheric pressure or maybe even Earth tides caused by 
the pull of the Sun and Moon (rare, mostly in already active volcanoes). Once 
you’ve produced bubbles, you need to concentrate them towards the top of the 
magma body, maybe through a earthquake — think about shaking an open bottle of 
soda with bubbles on the side: They all float to the top. However, in all these 
cases, you likely need a volcano that is “primed” to erupt — that is, one that 
has eruptible magma that just needs to be “tipped” into erupting. 

What you’d need to potentially make it work —and why that likely wouldn’t work 

Armed with this information, if you want to try to get a volcano to erupt, 
you’ll need to do a few things: 

Find a volcano that is already showing some signs of magma intruding at shallow 
depths. This might be high levels of volcanic gases, shallow earthquakes, 
deformation of the volcano. You want something “primed” to go. 

Figure out a way to release the lithostatic pressure keeping the “cork” on the 
volcano so that the bubbles can form. 

Figure out how to get a lot of water into the volcano quickly … but not too 

The fictional methods to get a volcano to erupt really don’t help in any of the 
scenarios. Typically you see the evil genius picking a volcano that isn’t 
showing signs of activity, so he/she is already showing up to the gunfight 
without bullets. The “bomb into the volcano” doesn’t really address the 
pressure issue as the explosions don’t remove enough of the overlying rocks to 
release that lithostatic pressure. Drilling into a volcano is like trying to 
bleed to death with a needle prick — not enough pressure release to really make 
a difference. Sadly, the problem here is that mad scientists need to “think 

How I’d try to do it. 

Okay, so, how would I do it? First, I need to find a volcano ready to erupt 
that doesn’t erupt frequently (so that pressure is already building). Thinking 
of volcanoes globally that are showing signs of unrest today and likely a 
decent volume of eruptible magma, my pick might be Santorini in the Aegean Sea. 
The bonus there is that I have ready access to water. If there is magma rising 
under the volcano, then what I want to do is catastrophically release the 
overlying burden of rocks to produce bubbles in the magma, I want those bubbles 
to form a layer at top of the magma body to concentrate the pressure and I want 
to get water into that magma chamber to help aid explosivity. However, this is 
all easier said that done. One strategy would be to do something like 
mountain-top removal mining to remove a portion of the land surface above the 
magma body — however, this takes time. What evil genius holds the world ransom 
while they slowly remove truckloads/boatloads of material (“Sorry, hold on, 
only 10,000 more loads to go!”). No, to do it quickly you’d many want high 
explosive charges just below the surface to blast away the land surface. You’d 
need a lot of them placed as a grid across the volcano, but the goal is to 
remove material quickly. Now, those explosives should do double-duty, where the 
shaking caused by the explosions might shake bubbles free in the magma (as more 
bubbles are produced from the release of the pressure). If the pressure gets 
high enough, the weakened roof (from the explosives) above the magma body might 
give away, allowing for a rapid decompression. If you wanted to add to the fun, 
the cracks you’d developed should allow for percolation of seawater into the 
magma to help the explosion along (much like may have happened at Krakatau in 

And now, the real problem 

Now, you might be thinking “he’s got this whole thing figured out.” Thanks, I 
try. However, I don’t have it all figured out because there is one more problem 
I haven’t mentioned. That problem is time. Sure, I could do all these things 
but one thing that volcanologists don’t have a good grasp on is the timing — 
how long between the triggers of an eruption and the actual eruption. In some 
cases, it looks like seconds, like the earthquake and landslide at Mount St. 
Helens that triggered the 1980 eruption. In some cases, the trigger could take 
months or even a year as seems to be suggested by some volcanoes in Chile after 
large earthquakes. So, you might go through all the trouble only to have really 
no control on when the volcano will erupt —again, not the best plan if you’re 
planning to shock the world with evil genius. Heck, there is a pretty good 
chance that the volcano might not even erupt — so many variables go into this 
that even picking an ideal volcano that is ready to blow might not do it — and 
all your activity might impede an eruption rather than cause it. This all just 
shows how little we know about the exact mechanisms that can cause a specific 
volcano to erupt. So, as you draft your plans for world conquest, cross “hold 
the world hostage as I cause a volcano to erupt” from the list. You have a 
better chance at steering an asteroid into the planet than getting Yellowstone 
to explode at your whim. 

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