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 Volcanic eruptions explain recent warming hiatus

Published 3 March 2014

*Volcanic eruptions in the early part of the twenty-first century have
cooled the planet, according to a study led by Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory. This cooling has partly offset the warming produced by
greenhouse gases, explaining why, despite continuing increases in
atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases, and in the total heat content of
the ocean, global-mean temperatures at the surface of the planet and in the
troposphere (the lowest portion of the Earth's atmosphere) have shown
relatively little warming since 1998. Scientists note that human-induced -
that is, greenhouse gasses emissions-related -- change typically causes the
troposphere to warm and the stratosphere to cool. In contrast, large
volcanic eruptions cool the troposphere and warm the stratosphere.*


Erupting volcanoes release huge amounts of greenhouse gases // Source:

Volcanic eruptions in the early part of the twenty-first century have
cooled the planet, according to a
by Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory <https://www.llnl.gov/> (LLNL). This cooling
partly offset the warming produced by greenhouse gases.

Despite continuing increases in atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases, and
in the total heat content of the ocean, global-mean temperatures at the
surface of the planet and in the troposphere (the lowest portion of the
Earth's atmosphere) have shown relatively little warming since 1998. This
so-called "slow-down" or "hiatus" has received considerable scientific,
political and popular attention. The volcanic contribution to the slow-down
is the subject of a new paper appearing in the 23 February edition of the
journal *Nature

An LLNL release
volcanic eruptions inject sulfur dioxide gas into the atmosphere. If
the eruptions are large enough to add sulfur dioxide to the stratosphere
(the atmospheric layer above the troposphere), the gas forms tiny droplets
of sulfuric acid, also known as "volcanic aerosols."

These droplets reflect some portion of the incoming sunlight back into
space, cooling the Earth's surface and the lower atmosphere.

"In the last decade, the amount of volcanic aerosol in the stratosphere has
increased, so more sunlight is being reflected back into space," said
Lawrence Livermore climate scientist Benjamin
who serves as lead author of the study. "This has created a natural cooling
of the planet and has partly offset the increase in surface and atmospheric
temperatures due to human influence."

>From 2000 to 2012, emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere have
increased -- as they have done since the Industrial Revolution. This
human-induced change typically causes the troposphere to warm and the
stratosphere to cool. In contrast, large volcanic eruptions cool the
troposphere and warm the stratosphere. The researchers report that early
twenty-first century volcanic eruptions have contributed to this recent
warming hiatus, and that most climate models have not accurately accounted
for this effect.

"The recent slow-down in observed surface and tropospheric warming is a
fascinating detective story," Santer said. "There is not a single culprit,
as some scientists have claimed. Multiple factors are implicated. One is
the temporary cooling effect of internal climate noise. Other factors are
the external cooling influences of twenty-first century volcanic activity,
an unusually low and long minimum in the last solar cycle, and an uptick in
Chinese emissions of sulfur dioxide.

"The real scientific challenge is to obtain hard quantitative estimates of
the contributions of each of these factors to the slow-down."

The release notes that the researchers performed two different statistical
tests to determine whether recent volcanic eruptions have cooling effects
that can be distinguished from the intrinsic variability of the climate.
The team found evidence for significant correlations between volcanic
aerosol observations and satellite-based estimates of lower tropospheric
temperatures as well as the sunlight reflected back to space by the aerosol

"This is the most comprehensive observational evaluation of the role of
volcanic activity on climate in the early part of the 21st century," said
co-author Susan
the Ellen Swallow Richards professor of atmospheric chemistry and climate
science at MIT. "We assess the contributions of volcanoes on temperatures
in the troposphere - the lowest layer of the atmosphere -- and find they've
certainly played some role in keeping the Earth cooler."

The research is funded by the Department of Energy's Office of Biological
and Environmental Science in the Office of Science.

-- Read more in Benjamin D. Santer et al., "Volcanic contribution to decadal
changes in tropospheric temperature," *Nature
(23 January 2014): 185-89 (doi:10.1038/ngeo2098); and Alli Gold
"Study: Volcanoes contribute to recent warming 'hiatus',"
February 2014)

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