Geoengineering Our Climate?

A Working Paper Series on the Ethics, Politics and Governance of Climate

‘This is God’s Stuff We’re Messing With’: Geoengineering as a Religious
Issue (Opinion Article)

This is God’s Stuff We’re Messing With – “It’s very dangerous to try and
play God. This is God’s stuff we’re messing with. Historically speaking,
any time we try to play God, we lose every time. That’s what I think about
it.” This is how Peyton[1]—an Alaska Native, subsistence hunter, and
wildlife specialist in Barrow, Alaska—described his impressions of
geoengineering after hearing about it for the first time. The ‘playing God’
metaphor Peyton utilizes is not novel; it appears time and again in
discussions about emergent scientific and technological issues.[2] In
recent years, the phrase has been employed by journalists, philosophers,
bloggers, and members of the public alike in reference to
geoengineering.[3] Ethicist Clive Hamilton suggests ‘playing God’ resonates
with both theists and atheists because it captures a sense of, “humans
crossing a boundary to a domain of control or causation that is beyond
their rightful place.”[4] In other words, the metaphor indicates that the
prospect of intentionally modifying the global climate evokes deeply held
beliefs about the proper place and role of humans in the order of the
cosmos. For many people these deeply held beliefs are religious in nature.
Consequently, religious beliefs could play a critical role in future
discussions about geoengineering at local, national, and international
levels. This article draws upon past social science research and recent
interviews with religious individuals to argue that religion will play a
role in public support for, or opposition to, geoengineering research in
many countries.In the United States, a large majority of the population
claims a religious tradition, and religious groups exert significant social
and political influence.[5] Social science research indicates that religion
also affects perceptions of emergent science and technology. Studies have
found that religion negatively impacts belief in climate change and support
for scientific research on issues like biotechnology and nanotechnology.[6]
Brossard et al. for example, found that in the US, religion played a more
important role in shaping perceptions of nanotechnology than factual
knowledge about the topic, with more religious individuals significantly
less likely to support funding for research.[7] In a similar study that
compared the US with Europe, Scheufele et al. found that more religious
countries like Italy and Ireland were similar to the US, exhibiting lower
levels of public support for nanotechnology research than less religious
countries such as Denmark and Germany.[8] These studies indicate that
religion provides a key perceptual filter, or framework through which
people interpret science communication, and form opinions about emergent
scientific and technological issues.Religious beliefs will likely play a
similar role with regards to geoengineering. As Kahan et al. (forthcoming)
argue, “cultural values are cognitively prior to facts in public risk
conflicts … groups of individuals will credit and dismiss evidence of risk
in patterns that reflect and reinforce their distinctive understandings of
how society should be organized.” In other words, people interpret
information about science and technology within a particular cultural
context and in light of the values that they hold individually and share
with others. As a result, people accept or dismiss scientific evidence not
on content, but whether or not it is framed in a way that aligns with or
threatens their values and beliefs. Interestingly, Kahan et al. found that
the prospect of geoengineering better aligned with the values of certain
cultural groups who view “human technological ingenuity as the principle
means by which our species has succeeded in overcoming environmental
constraints on its flourishing”.[9] Geoengineering could therefore make
cultural groups who extol technological ingenuity more open to discussing
climate change solutions. The exact opposite may be the case for religious
groups.Drawing on theological reflection as opposed to social science
research, Forrest Clingerman suggests that religious responses to
geoengineering are likely to emerge along a continuum that emphasizes human
fallibility at one end and human capability on the other.[10] The
fallibility perspective or narrative stresses the finitude of human
knowledge and past examples of human hubris in trying to interfere with
divinely ordered processes. As such, this perspective is likely to caution
against geoengineering and suggest that attempts to modify the climate are
likely to result in calamity. The capability perspective, on the other
hand, views human nature and ability more optimistically. It suggests that
despite past failures, humans should still employ their ingenuity and new
technologies to address contemporary problems.This tension between human
capability and fallibility arose time and again in interviews I conducted
with over 100 individuals (like Peyton quoted above) in the Solomon
Islands, Kenya, and Alaska (United States) about their views on
geoengineering.[11] The majority of interviewees openly wrestled with
whether or not they thought humans should try to modify the global climate.
Roughly a quarter of the individuals I spoke with invoked religious beliefs
or spirituality explicitly (and unprompted) as they grappled with this
question. For example, Rachael[12], a Native Alaskan who directed an
organization dedicated to including indigenous people and knowledge in
science, described her initial response to geoengineering in the following
way:The indigenous side of me has an automatic reaction to messing with the
creator’s plans. I would venture to say that that’s probably going to be
the reaction from most indigenous communities. … Our first concern is
always the care of Mother Earth. That’s the way we’re taught from the day
we can breathe, that we are the original stewards of the universe and our
homelands. Our environment around us is meant for us to protect. … I’m
pretty certain if I had my elders sitting here, that they’d probably feel
pretty much the same way.Rachel’s wariness of geoengineering is not
necessarily surprising, or unique to religious persons. As David Keith et
al. have noted, “It is a healthy sign that a common first response to
geoengineering is revulsion. It suggests that we have learned something
from past instances of over-eager technological optimism and subsequent
failures”.[13] A key difference for religious individuals is that this
initial revulsion stems from deeply held beliefs about the proper order of
the world, not just from anxieties based on past technological failures. In
other words, in addition to concerns about human fallibility, religion may
prompt a sense that humans simply should not intentionally interfere with
the ‘domain of the Gods’.[14]This concern was, in fact, a common theme
across all interviews where individuals discussed religion, regardless of
location or religious tradition.[15] More specifically, all of the
individuals who referred to religious beliefs said their faith was a key
reason they were dubious of geoengineering. This should not be taken as an
indication that all religious traditions or religious individuals will
react the same way. There will not be any single religious response to
geoengineering. As Clingerman points out, “Different religious traditions
have different authorities, rituals, scriptures, historical contexts, and
theological commitments. These result in a dialog between different
approaches to technology, politics, and environmental concerns …”[16] My
point therefore is not to argue that religious individuals will interpret
geoengineering in any particular way. Rather, the interviews I conducted
suggest that the prospect of geoengineering evokes religious beliefs for
religious individuals. Geoengineering confronts our perceptions of the
proper place of humans in the world. For many, these perceptions are
explicitly informed by religious beliefs about where humans stand in
relation to nature, creation, and the divinities. While religion was not
the focus of the interviews, and this sample is certainly not
representative of the broader population in these three countries, these
findings align with past research, and indicate that religion is a powerful
frame that many people will draw upon to make sense of geoengineering.So
why has religion been largely absent from previous assessments of public
perceptions of geoengineering? The most likely reason is that most studies
to date have taken place in the United Kingdom[17], a “less religious
country”.[18] While 83% of Americans claim that religion is either very
important (60%) or fairly important (23%) in their lives, only 47% of
Britons say the same thing (with only 17% indicating that religion is very
important).[19] However, there is ample evidence across existing research
that geoengineering does raise questions about the concept of nature and
how humans relate to it.[20] In one UK based public engagement exercise in
particular, Corner et al. found ‘messing with nature’ to be a dominant
narrative.[21] They concluded that, “The wide variety of ways in which
people … conceptualised and debated the relationship between geoengineering
and the natural world suggests that this will be a key factor determining
public views on the topic as awareness of it grows”.[22] They also noted
that it would be interesting to see whether or not religious individuals
employed similar narratives.Considering that nearly 85% of the world’s
population claims membership in a religious group[23], religion will
undoubtedly have much to say about geoengineering.[24] Future research
needs to explore the connections between religious beliefs and
geoengineering more explicitly. Religion will not only affect individuals’
perceptions, but also the tenor of public discussion, media frames, and
even policy proposals in countries with large religious populations. As
Corner et al. argue with regards to public perceptions of geoengineering
more broadly, researchers and policy-makers need to resist the temptation
to dismiss religiously informed perspectives as irrational or
anti-science.[25] While certain religious traditions in countries like the
US have a long history of clashes with science, concerns about
geoengineering based on religious beliefs are fundamentally concerns about
how humans should understand and relate to the world around them. As a
result, effectively engaging religiously informed perspectives means
discussing deep-seated values—including the values that scientists and
policy makers bring to the table. Geoengineering research could face stiff
opposition if religious values are not taken into consideration.
Furthermore, certain geoengineering approaches may be deemed wholly
unacceptable from certain religious perspectives regardless. Advocates for
geoengineering research should therefore bear in mind that for many people
around the world, this is God’s stuff we’re messing with.

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