Thisarticle claims that "we already have an affordable solution with 
arelatively well-understood outcome: reducing our carbon emissions." This isa 
political assertion with dubious empirical basis. Their claims that global 
agreement on emissionreduction is “affordable” and has “relatively well 
understood outcomes” are tendentiousand rhetorical.   It is entirely wrong 
tojump from the true observation that the science of climate change is settled 
tothe false claim that our knowledge of what to do about it is equally settled. 
 Such a jump seems to bedevil climate debate.

Continued net positive carbon emissions will merely delay thearrival of 
probable dangerous environmental tipping points.  And we do not know if global 
agreement toreduce emissions is politically feasible in the face of the power 
of fossil fuel industries. The likely outcomes of efforts to achieve global 
agreements are not wellunderstood at all, and hold planetary stability hostage 
to a dubious politicaltheory. The debate on climate stability needs to be 
reframed to includenegative emission technology such as BECCS,but this is often 
seen as outside the scope of the global agreement process.

The upheaval that would result from a winding down of fossil fuelindustries 
presents highly complex technical, political and economic problems,and in any 
case the ambition would be crueled by optouts.  Blithely asserting that these 
problems for emissionreduction are well understood and affordable does not 
serve the interests ofevidence based policy.

Use of the derogatory terms “hacking” and “immoral” furtherillustrates the 
politically driven nature of the comments from these academics.They make the 
particularly weak assertion in their argument against SRM that “manyspecies are 
already struggling to adapt tothe current pace of change.”  Surely thatis a 
reason to try to slow down climate change through all means available, notan 
argument to rule out major methods?

SRM is hardly a cure-all for the climate.  But putting all our eggs in the 
basket theypropose, “to negotiate a worldwide treaty to cut carbon emissions 
from nationsacross the globe”, involves extremely high stakes and is hardly 
well understoodand affordable.   

Robert Tulip


From: AndrewLockley <>
To: geoengineering <> 
Sent: Monday, 5 January 2015, 9:27
Subject: [geo] 'Climate hacking' would be easy – that doesn't mean weshould do 

Poster's note : the site onwhich this article appears is straplined "academic 
rigour, journalisticflair". In my opinion, neither applies to this piece, 
despite itsseemingly credible authorship.

‘Climate hacking’ would beeasy – that doesn’t mean we should do it


Erik van Sebille, ResearchFellow and Lecturer in Oceanography at UNSW Australia

Katelijn Van Hende, Lecturerin Energy Law and Geopolitics at University College 

Some people might argue thatthe greatest moral challenge of our time is serious 
enough to justifydeliberately tampering with our climate to stave off the 
damaging effects ofglobal warming.

Geoengineering, or “climatehacking”, to use its more emotive nickname, is a 
direct intervention in thenatural environments of our planet, including our 
atmosphere, seas and oceans.

It has been suggested thatgeoengineering might buy us time to prevent warming 
above 2C, and that weshould look at it seriously in case everything goes 
pear-shaped with ourclimate.

There are two problems withthis argument. The first is that we already have an 
affordable solution with arelatively well-understood outcome: reducing our 
carbon emissions.

The second is thatgeoengineering itself is fraught with danger and that, 
worryingly, the mostdangerous version, called solar radiation management, is 
also the most popularwith those exploring this field.

Down in flames

In essence, solar radiationmanagement is about mimicking volcanoes. Climate 
scientists have known foryears that major volcanic eruptions can eject so much 
ash into the highatmosphere that they effectively dim the sun.

The tiny ash particles blockthe sunlight, reducing the amount of solar energy 
that reaches Earth’s surface.A major volcanic eruption like that of Mount 
Pinatubo in 1991 can causeworldwide cooling of about 0.1C for about two or 
three years.

As global temperatures willrise in the business-as-usual scenario, leading to a 
projected increase ofalmost 4C in the coming century, the ash of a few volcanic 
eruptions each yearcould theoretically offset the temperature rise due to the 
burning of fossilfuels.

Science has also taught usthat depositing the ash, or something similar, into 
the high atmosphere is notvery difficult. Some studies show that by using 
balloons, it could cost aslittle as a few billion dollars per year.

It certainly sounds like amuch cheaper and easier approach than trying to 
negotiate a worldwide treaty tocut carbon emissions from nations across the 

Unlike global emissions cuts,geoengineering has the potential to be financed 
and implemented by a singlewealthy individual, and can arguably be accomplished 
with a lot less effort.

Major problems

If it is so easy, why aren’twe already pumping ash into the sky to dim the Sun? 
Perhaps predictably, it’sbecause this climate solution is likely to create new 
problems of its own.

The Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change (IPCC) has completely rejected 
solar radiation management –not because it is too hard, but because there is no 
guarantee that theconsequences will be benign.

There are three majorproblems that make this form of geoengineering so 
dangerous that, hopefully, itwill never be used.

First, it does not addressthe root cause of climate change. It only addresses 
one of the symptoms: globalwarming, while failing to deal with related issues 
such as ocean acidification.This is because our carbon dioxide emissions will 
continue to build up in theatmosphere and dissolve in the oceans, making 
seawater more acidic and makingit harder for species like corals and oysters to 
form their skeletons.

The second problem is alsorelated to the continued build-up of atmospheric 
carbon dioxide. If, at somepoint in the future, we stop pumping ash into the 
skies, the ash will rapidlywash out from the atmosphere in a few years. Yet 
with atmospheric carbondioxide levels even higher than before, Earth will 
experience rapid “catch-up”warming. According to the IPCC, this could be as 
much as 2C per decade –roughly 10 times the current rate. This would be very 
troubling, given thatmany species, including in places such as Sydney, are 
already struggling toadapt to the current pace of change.

Third, pumping dust into ourskies will almost certainly change the weather. In 
particular, it is likely toalter the amount of rainfall from country to 
country. Some will become drier,others wetter, with a range of grave impacts on 
many types of agriculture. Itis not yet clear how individual countries will be 
affected, but we know thatunpredictable water and food supplies can provoke 
regional conflict and evenwar.

Safeguarding the future

The precautionary principlehas been embedded into national environmental laws 
and some internationalagreements (such as Article 3 (3) of the UN Framework 
Convention on ClimateChange). While this principle impels countries to act to 
stave off climateharm, it would also arguably require geoengineering proposals 
to be scrutinisedwith care.

It is difficult to designcautious policies, or even draw up regulations, on 
issues like geoengineering,where the outcome can at best only be partly 
predictable. Policies andregulations should be designed to have an intended and 
purposeful effect, whichgeo-engineering at the moment cannot deliver.

Some researchers have gone asfar as to brand geoengineering immoral, while the 
concept has also beendescribed as an Earth experiment, in addition to the 
experiment already beingdone with greenhouse emissions.

The only thing we know forcertain is that we need a lot more certainty before 
deciding to hack ourclimate.

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